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Everything posted by Westy76

  1. Red mills & meat normally cooked rabbit or chicken mateNothing's changed
  2. In his fishing slippers!!!! Pmsl
  3. Cheers for the replys lads and lasses. I've done some work over the weekend but a AB and a bulldog were chored out of the garden on the weekend near me and that was supposed to be a guard dog!!! Just goes to show they'll nick anything but I think there has to be a balance of decent security and your garden not looking like wormwood scrubs excersise yard.
  4. If your bed box is big put a false ceiling in with a hole cut for the lamp to sit in. Best money I've spent in a while.
  5. I'm not overly keen on EBT but I like him,good luck with him
  6. Spent all afternoon putting locks on the kennels,side fence to neighbours garden is being raised Sunday,someone put a security link up earlier with some good gear on it with fence top security that's been ordered and cameras will be ordered soon with sensor lights. Thanks for your input lads.
  7. As I said before guard dog not an option,within half and hour I could have a flock of the nastiest dogs chained up out there but it's still a family home with kids either side always kicking the ball over etc and even if you've got a dog loose its hardly difficult to sort that out either nothing is 100% and I don't want to live in Fort Knox either.Locks,cameras,lights and a live wire sounds good enough to me.
  8. There not panels on the back,concrete posts and ship lap affair
  9. Thanks for all your replys lads appreciate it.
  10. Can't mate that's why there out there.
  11. Realistically what's the effect range of a sensible camera,someone said you can get some that only record if something triggers the parameters you can set direct to an iPhone app?? That back fence is gonna look like stalag lol What's the legalities of running a hotwire on fences?
  12. Tomo will those ceramic bulbs fit the peasant model? Lol
  13. He's looking good mateHere's mine Late last season ferreting pics he's looking good westy you can see the family resemblement Hello mate how's it going? Hope you and the dog are well bang a pic up of his brother.
  14. Yeah I know that's the draw back.The back fence is high from the other side as it's got a deep ditch running behind it I know where there's a will there's a way but I'd struggle to get a 75-80lb dog over it without a racket. One of your best forms of security is the fact that your dogs won't jump! I can sort out cameras if you want them. Have you get WiFi? Won't jump that's the fence of the last catgate scandal the thick twat near cleared it!!!Yeah got wifi
  15. Yeah I know that's the draw back. The back fence is high from the other side as it's got a deep ditch running behind it I know where there's a will there's a way but I'd struggle to get a 75-80lb dog over it without a racket.
  16. Guard dog great idea but not an option sadly. Padlocks and hasps can easily be jimmied off timber but for a stop gap will do. Was thinking of a bar going through the run doors and the divider section with a built up end and a straight padlock the other end? Defo cameras but what actually works?
  17. Just got some new kennels never had them before always had the dogs in. I'm looking to sort the security out on them locks/cameras etc and just wondered what your all using? I'm not expecting pics of your yards for obvious reasons but some good strong ideas.
  18. Hahaha my t4 has 249000 on the clock just replaced the ignition switch awesome bus
  19. I recently assessed a AB for rehoming when it had done its 7 days in the pound awaiting the owner. After it had shown all the wrong signs charged and went for me even out of the kennel environment I deemed it not to be rehomed and PTS due to its sheer hatred of men..........just seen it's been saved from death row by some tree hugging fur mom that needs to save everything and anything,clearly I'm not impressed and this case today made me shudder. When these idiots finally realise euthanasia is the final act of kindness the better but that's just my humble opinion.
  20. Just put my dogs in kennels for first time due to moving in with my GF,they've always been kept in but 7 in the house with hers is to much but since the temp has dropped they started whinging early doors to the neighbours annoyance but since fitting low powered lamps (175w) not a peep and stretched out nicely in the beds. She got ours from amazon but got raped on postage £17!!!!! eBay seems cheaper with spare bulb as well, I think the amazon ones where from the poultry place.
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