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About Westy76

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter

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  • Gender
  • Location
    West Sussex
  • Interests
    my dogs

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  1. Had a mk1 ridgemonkey battery last 2 seasons been great running a 240 enforcer off it mines the biggest one they do so equivalent to a 22amp I wouldn’t but a deben battery.
  2. That’s him,lamping and ferreted a lot with him years ago
  3. Pretty sure blackstaffs bull whippets are out of him
  4. Coney catcher- made me laugh way to hard when he took those pups to the beach and met the jogger ???
  5. Credit to Eric Trafford for the pic,he sent it to me in A3 and my wife had it done in water colour for me as a bday present this year. cracking shot of frank
  6. I broke him to deer to start with which was relatively easy just approached it the same as any stock but I couldn’t help myself old habits die hard so yes he’ll run them but it’s handy on a shoot day to call off and he don’t scream and shout if he sees them, however the first shoot day 2 seasons ago I didn’t see the roe break other side of cover and he retrieved that one in front of the keeper ?? Any lurcher in a beating line must like a ginger as there’s always a shout up and it’s got me some great nights out on keepers land most wont get on.
  7. Only the scruffy bugger is mine I don’t own a “gundog” ?
  8. Never read so much crap in my life,my beddy x has probably put more gear to bed on shoot days than most have had lamping all season ?? my dog lamps 5 nights a week on 2 estates with the keepers,ferret and help on a dig,yes he’s gundog trained but only because people said it couldn’t be done and can be called off deer but will get on when required. here he is in a class of labs as a pup.
  9. I beat on a few shoots with a gundog trained beddy x who does his share of work when it’s called for
  10. Handy bits of kit,bloody boring night if you don’t all have one though. it also means you don’t need a massive battery any more as you hardly use the lamp so an hour max is more than enough.
  11. I use her to,the beef and tripe is a little pricey but always great quality the chicken mince is cheap
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