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Everything posted by LUMPHAMMER

  1. Earth you really are the vilest little creature ive ever come across
  2. Is this the one who was smoking the half breed's helmet ?
  3. Nearly 20 years old maybe ? not to sure how to work out the age i know a pal had a canal pike at 17 lb then caught it again a year later a lb heavier.
  4. Nice one mudd ! i wonder what age that pike is now
  5. Water pistol it is then hopefully i wont get ''Smoked'' by the armed police though.
  6. Thought they was trying to rein act a scene out of ''Big trouble in little china''
  7. Road rage ''China style'' lol http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kdwXrWq5_fo
  8. What a ''Crock of shite'' fcuk all will change.............................................all the best & be lucky
  9. Been out a few times [Jack's]but no ''Big ladies'' yet.done a 24 hour session the other week but not a fcuking sniff lol
  10. Very glad to hear your mother and sister are still employed pal Hahahahahahahahahahah :laugh:
  11. Nothing been fingering the over weight bar maids anus for the last 2 year
  12. Hasn't ''Lab tastic'' been crowned the ''Berried penis'' champ of Scotland ?
  13. Correct that's why i go ''Swinger's parties'' Spunk my £££ & other people's on the piss & wear Arse less leathers to do my ''240 hours community service'' every wednesday
  14. ''Closet Nigerian Homosexual'' finding it really hard to live at the moment. im wanted for 6 serious anal assaults,got no money no job & im being deported back to that shite hole of a country i come from
  15. Clothes were bit ''Flashy'' Hahahah
  16. Killing kid's & women is bad new's ,hope the shite bag responsible is burnt on a post
  17. Now that was one ''Hot Indian'' :laugh:
  18. http://web.orange.co.uk/article/news/three_dead_in_french_school_shooting
  19. Bless you my child.. As he sprinkled his ''Holy water'' all over you
  20. About as real as ''Earth not being molested as a boy in church'' !!
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