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Everything posted by shaz

  1. had a wee night out last dont feell to great now think a walk with the dogs will sort it:]

    1. Lab


      al be saying the same thing tomorrow....;-)

  2. shaz


    u dont mean that this site is crazy lol.xx
  3. this site is mad lol.x

    1. tb25


      you done the pots yet?


    2. Lab


      you've got this 1 bad joball....lol

      You'll fit right in Shaz....;-)

  4. what r us like on here lol.xx

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. RossM


      shaz.... you are my new favourite!

    3. Ideation


      Bad bad people.

    4. Lab


      just keep away from tb and judge and you'll be fine....the lab will keep you right...;-)

  5. you dont like black people. now now x hes only messin mate thought so lol.x
  6. 2nd in fae the left bud.......and no i dont still have highlights, that was trial and error....... so yer back to being a pure ginger then? Feck off..............no gingers in fife...its all you freaks over the bridge wi the contamination fae Grangemouth that causes that..... hey u am on the other side off the bridge.x
  7. you dont like black people. now now x
  8. dyu think lab will put one up now?? Keep to the weddings theme...might be in this lot...... nice!!! am likein the pics x
  9. i have 2 labs and 1 bullX... LOVE THEM 2 BITS .xxx
  10. just had a quick look round the site looks real gooood lol.xxx

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. lunita


      oh so im soppy seconds :(

    3. Ideation


      Poor poor girl.

    4. SLiP tHe DoG !

      SLiP tHe DoG !

      watch out for the perverts dint listen to these muppets im the man okay

  11. hi am shaz from scotland am 22.a have 2 labs and a 3/4bull cross.hopeing to get to no new people and learn alot more. cheers shaz.xxx
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