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Everything posted by gaza

  1. Can anyone give me any advice please with regards gaining ferreting/lamping permission. Should I approach farmers directly or send some sort of letter. I know a while back someone posted a useful template letter but I cant find it on the site. Ive got my whole ferreting set up sorted and my first lurcher, i just need some permission to give her the work she deserves. Thanks.
  2. heres my bitch not very big 22inch tts but strong enough and fast enough. 3/8 bull 3/8 grey 2/8 whippet.
  3. cheers for the replies I think Ill just email them first.
  4. Im buying a light force striker off this site but i dont know how to claim my discount as a member of hunting life.
  5. they do look alike mate mines 3/8 bull 3/grey 2/8 whippet shes only about 21 inches her litter mates are a lot bigger.
  6. woops shouldnt be in buy sell forum but the lurcher topic.
  7. Few pics of my little bitch. Shes had a few rabbits so far, a lamps top of my chrsitmas list to boost her confidence and then start her on bigger things. As a pup And now at about 13months
  8. anybody selling phil loyds book pre-owned if not can you tell me where to get them brand new on the internet please. I need it soon for my dads birthday.
  9. BOOM could you or anyone else give me the details of the beddy/grey litter advertised in the countrymans weekly please i dont get the magazine.
  10. Brand new Casio scientific calculators for sale with packaging. 'GCSE' and 'A level' suitable. Full dot matrix display. 10+2 digits. 294 functions. Retail at £7.99 FOR SALE £5. In argos catalogue you can only get standard non-scientific 8 digit calculators for £5.99.
  11. got her off a local fella in runcorn (cheshire) but the stud dog was from Wales. She was the biggest pup in the litter. I saw the dog & bitch he kept back this week the bitch is a lot racier than mine & is a lot more whippety [bANNED TEXT] cant see a lot of bull in it. The dog is a cracker a lot taller & racier than mine but with a big head on it.
  12. heres a few more of her from a while ago but not the best quality. MACCY your pup looks nice mate is it similarily bred to mine.
  13. 3/8 bull 3/8 grey 2/8 whippet 6 months old. I dont think shes going to be very tall shes just under 20 inches.
  14. P2120008.jpg[/img] just wanted to see if it worked its my first time posting. didnt work lol?
  15. I know everyone asks this but i cant find any links or posts of how to post pics. Ive just got a camera & want to post some pictures of my whippet lurchers & bull cross pup.
  16. ive got a 3/8 bull 3/8 grey 2/8whippet pup 5 months old she was the biggest in the litter & is about 19 1/2 inches. Is this small for a bullx i know the whippet in her will drag her down im just wondering if its had a big effect. Im hoping for about 23 inches.
  17. gaza


    exactly the same with my bull cross pup shes fine until theres another dog in site or even a person. it might be because of the excitement of being a pup & meeting another dog she is coming back a bit quicker but i cant stop her running in.
  18. are the wheaten half crosses generally lighter/racier than the bull crosses?
  19. very interesting seeing a whippet bull ive got a 18 week 3/8bull 3/8grey 2/8whippet.I was worried the whippet would make her a bit short and cloddy but its amazing the change in her shape lately. Never seen a fox dog in action but seen a few dvds and the bull crosses seem to lose a hell of a lot on the turn. Reassured me a lot seeing the picture of the whippet bull taking rabbits in the day.
  20. Anyone got this dvd/vhs for sale i think its called lurcher filedcraft its the one after purdeys progress i want any way by dave sleight.
  21. are the nets still for sale at £25?
  22. Really glad to see this cross ive got a 15 week old 3/8 bull 3/8 grey 2/8 whippet and i can see the influence the whippet is having-as i was afraid shed be a bit bulky. Real smart dog mate.
  23. has any one got a copy of this please im dying to see it
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