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Everything posted by gaza

  1. I cant get on with led but sure you can get a warm pill for these that make them more like a halogen spot?
  2. Davey is she litter mate to the dog in the other thread that adampie is using over his bitch?
  3. Saw a guy on facebook with a coursing greyhound bitch. He was looking for a cattle dog stud. Might be worth an approach mate prob be a better litter than a first cross. Worth an ask think he was west Yorkshire.
  4. Just good luck ain’t it. Few weeks ago lucky charlie catch across a footpath cover to cover lurcher off lead, if on slip wouldn't of caught. Cant say he was following terrier in cover though, did orig but then winded it further up hedgerow away from terrier. This week terrier coursed one across 2 fields if lurcher was on slip might of got him sighted in time but we were both wrong side of dyke. Yesterday lurcher loose, terrier pushed a rabbit right towards us couldnt of missed so prob same result if on a slip. Hot spots hell stick to terrier but got a habit of checking in with me too much an
  5. Not done much this year but mixed it up ratting last year and prob enjoyed it more than ferreting alone.
  6. Yeah its a handy local walk always bit of scent about and farmer don’t live on the farm and is alright to speak to when he is there …no to permission though, he’s had lads driving the land. Silly Charlie few weeks ago up the track hanging around in cover after terrier bolted him from old irrigation tubes. Just got to be careful don’t follow anything up track onto busy road. Bit on top though carrying in a real tree falconry vest thing and too long for coat to cover. Handy though the vent netting. I think lifelongcumbrian made a handy little carry box for back pack (posted o
  7. Not been out much ferreting proper. Dogs keep marking on my usual walk along public footpath. Was out later than I thought but thought I’ll take a ferret in my pocket. Although I wasn't incognito as some new black Friday ferreting clobber arrived I wanted to try on…sad I know Dogs didnt mark the bank at first which was typical per how keen they were day before. Then terrier started to mark, definitely rat way he was marking. Get ferret in quick as hes got a habbit of digging and covering the hole when its rat. As soon as ferret was down I could hear a young family top of the footpath
  8. Nice that Chaff hows that bred?
  9. Really like that. Did you lamp much with him postie?
  10. Looks good mate cant wait until my little man is big enough for a walk out. Not far off this hiking bag I don't think that can strap him to.
  11. Nice bitch mate well done shes looks real good for her age
  12. Fair play mate you've done right by the dog, hopefully full recovery
  13. Is it inaccurate then thinking that smaller weight class dogs have earlier pace? I know your comparing to peds there but I mean in general that smaller dogs are away quicker.
  14. Does Mike Brown still have anything to do with whippets?
  15. Yeah mines like that cant lamp him without damaging him, dewclaws every other time. Decided go through a fence last week on lamp instead of over only just noticed the cut from that on his head through his coat. Never had this before, had a run through horses dog was never going get on terms with it due to horses stampeding. A horse killed the rabbit he was running only catch of the night!
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