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Everything posted by bribri988

  1. on my permission the farmer wants me to start catching moles, so i have never done this before and to be honest i havent got a clue what to do so if possible can you pm me with advice thanks
  2. nice kill lads nice bunch of terriers
  3. some foxes really are thick just made it jump the same fence 6 times stupid ginger tw+t

  4. bored in work need to be out there :(

  5. were about in liverpool you from and what cross thanks mate
  6. looks a great gun and you have give it a great report keep it up
  7. From the liverpool area wanting a female beddy whippet or something along them lines around the 8/16 month old mark pm me thanks
  8. yer it will both of them love it now keep them fit and keen! just wouldnt fancey one of them falling
  9. hi thanks for reading this am just going trought the process for getting my FAC, its mainly going to be used for pest control aswell as my own fun i.e rabbits/fox so this will be my 1st gun does anyone have any sugestions would be very greatful thanks
  10. some people must ither be really lazy or just brain dead probly is true like just no one round heard of it apart from ppl on here so thanks anyway ps stil got that bitch there tree climber after a few bob anyone intrested pm me :laugh: :laugh:
  11. And also if you look at the tree you will see its ever so slighlty slanted she will do anything for a kill bought and has been a family pet, up until i got my whippet now the too of them together love it the compertition is welcome as you can guess on the long runs, whippet wins but over the short distance and around the warrens shes some how has the upper edge maybe the bigger head for the bigger brain
  12. :yes: Wouldnt be without mine, out in the pouring rain yesterday, soaked to the skin, only out for just a couple of hrs, on way home, dog buggerd off on scent of a bunny, next min, hers by my side with bunny in gob, look at the amount of lurcher folks getting pulled., 7 years ive been running whippets, never pulled yet Nice whippet matey At the end of the day when my whippets fully fit i would put him up agianst most lurchers and see what the fuss is about takes rabbit easy, will course the long ears doesnt catch as much as he should but never the less and as for the bigger quarry be
  13. lovley bitch mate you ever looking for a male lol
  14. if i was to have one id want it every bit as that,stunner mate although definately got a bit of a bull look about it even if it aint to be honest mate thats just the way thye picture looks!
  15. dont have to lift mate got the other pictures to prove!
  16. yer load of my a*** to be honest mate for 8000 i would want it to have a butler pooper scooper and gold running shoes 9ct aswell no dog in the world is 8000 let alone a cross sorry if this dogs worth 8000 my small male whippet takes big quarry so does this mean i can up his value to around ide say to 20,000 mark hahahahahaha my staffordshire bull terrier can climb trees how about 100,000 for her think i can get that on to a winner here
  17. just a few random pics from a few days out just found out how to post so postin all random ones!
  18. [img=http://i1054.photobucket.com/albums/s490/bribri988/100_0250.jpg]
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