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Everything posted by TheWizard

  1. Canny pack you've got mate! The two out of Bill look just like the grandsire of mine except he is white and not fawn. Strong dogs
  2. very nice mate hows the dog bred atb troter Very nice dog mate! Looks very similar to mine and same height? What is he? Sam Cheers lads. He's 3/8 saluki, 3/8 greyhound, 1/4 whippet. Lines go back to 'Charlie', pure saluki called 'Amazing Pharoah' (brother of Khan Jihad) and 'Sooty Sam'. He's 23"tts and working the lamp better each time he goes out. Really looking forward to testing him out proper after christmas!! Did the pup come from Desert Star? sire amazing pharoah registration number abo4394508 dam della russ reg number aco2523508 Don't thin
  3. Not certain to be honest but litters I've seen or heard of have thrown both smooth and feathered. From my experience the whippet gene seems quite dominant as the litter mine came from most the pups just look like big whippets (23-26inch) and all smooth. They're only bred quarter whippet too (if that actually means anything) so Im guessing the whippet gene must be quite dominant. Others on here might have different experiences though... would be interesting to find out.
  4. As you can see mine isn't really built for it but when I've been lamping and seen Charlie boy plodding about he pulls like hell on the leader! I'm sure if I did slip him he'd sort the job out but I don't think he'd do it as efficiently as say a bullx would. But this is speaking hypothetically of course, as it's illegal anyway
  5. Just shared this on another topic, thought I'd post it here too. Here's a pic of mine from earlier today. 3/8 Saluki, 3/8 Grey, 1/4 Whippet. About 23"tts & 37lbs. 19months old.
  6. Even in January/February?? I'm not a big coursing man but that must be some serious animal. Worth its weight in gold!
  7. only problem with running her at one or two bunnies now and again is that if she keeps missing them, she will get frustrated and either learn to pull up and stop chasing or start yapping. you don't want either really. i got my first lurcher a little over a year ago and i probably started him too early which led to him growling and starting to open up a little when given a hard run. luckily for me, i realised and stopped him til he was more mature and gave him some really easy slips to build his confidence and now he's silent when he runs. my point is, you're better off waiting til she's strong
  8. can get it done at the vets any age i think. atb
  9. This is a beauty too. absolutely ripped!
  10. She's a whippet/greyhound bred by Rose Mc Coy in Ireland, out of Miss Tori, the only pup to come over the water. cheers Wizard., she can shift abit too. Looks like she can move aswell! how tall does she stand? if i breed of my pup when he's old enough I think i might put him over a greyhound to get a bit of shape into the pups like she has. really like the look of her!
  11. that brindle bitch is a beauty! what was is she bred? all nice dogs
  12. Well pretty much mate, or at least I do if there's one sitting tight. I have a quick flash with full beam on, once i've spotted a squatter walk up to it with dimmer on until the dog is up to it. Don't get chance to use it very often though as the rabbits round my permission are very few in numbers and not very brave!
  13. I can't watch it either... bit of a let down!
  14. im thinking of my dog over a pure greyhound to get a similar cross to this a couple year down the line. Wait and see if he proves himself enough first.
  15. I'm no expert, but slipping a dog head on at a chase is a good way to end up with a collision and a dead mutt. agreed
  16. think they're pretty similar to be honest mate. the tracer is just a rip of the striker. I've got the tracer 170 with dimmer and its bright enough for all the fields on my permission and got some pretty big ones
  17. ditto, especially as she sounds like she's going to make a big dog and will take longer to fully develop. see how much time you have for her then.
  18. its the pup's great grandfather so if jj is the great grandfather do you still think hes traits will come throu put the pups breding up Can only be a good thing surely - rather have that breeding in than not! Absolute stunner this pup, my type of dog! ATB with him. How big do you think he'll make?
  19. thanks very much, i'll have a look at them
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