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Everything posted by AngryHan

  1. Don't think so, my interpretation is that it's designed for the children of farmers, or young people who actually live/work on farms. You should contact the firearms branch by phone or email to be sure, but I'm afraid you may not be eligible
  2. Take from the PSNI website.. It seems you may have trouble applying... I guess the laws regarding shooting over land would be different here as well, because you would need to be with your grandpa on that piece of land in order to use his rifle
  3. Would also recommend getting shooting insurance. BASC is a good place to go, nearly all farmers will recognise it, and their junior membership rates are pretty generous Have you got your air rifle yet, or does another member of your family own it? Because it has to be on FAC, the annoying thing is that you have to get the farmers to sign the 30/40 Lands form before you can be cleared to use the air rifle over land (ie. not for target shooting at approved ranges). The upside is in NI, I'm pretty sure all certificates are "open", which means that once you're cleared for that one piece of lan
  4. How do you clean them? Surely most pellets come lubed up all ready to go?
  5. This about sums up the lead poisoning issue!
  6. Hope he tries to salvage some sort of respect and pays for the repairs
  7. Do you clean with a rod, or those cleaning pellets?
  8. If you can reach out to that range accurately with a springer, then kudos to you!
  9. a 8.4 grain AA field pellet fired at 11.7ftlb will reach 4ftlb at 90 yards I advise downloading the excellent Hawke Chairgun program, probably the best tool out there for modelling pellet ballistics.
  10. Can't afford to keep and maintain a tank. A pump does just fine for me, a good way to inject that little bit extra exercise into my day
  11. If I walk around the prospective permission a few times, can the rabbits "get used" to me?
  12. Could well be 3ftlb, gives me the incentive to practice to push my sub-12ftlber even further! Having done some further research (ie. searching around various airgun boards), 3-4ftlb seems to be the number people are going by.
  13. Not sure what you mean by "accurately kill" - accuracy is based on pellet, rifle quality and operator alone. The power has little to do with accuracy. Unless you mean 'cleanly kill'. I believe (please correct me if I'm wrong) that 5ftlb at impact is enough to kill a rabbit if you shoot it in the head. According to Chairgun, with a 28ftlb at muzzle, you've got 110 yards before the energy drops to 5ftlb.
  14. Thanks guys, I'll go nice and early tomorrow morning and just find a place to sit. Hopefully I'll get a good showing!
  15. Hi all, just got my first ever permission to shoot! So now, while I send the Lands form off to the police so they can put it on my air rifle ticket (Northern Ireland...) I've got some nagging questions: 1. I've read in various places that early morning or evening is the best time for rabbits, can anyone share their experiences? 2. Is the camo gear really necessary? I'm a poor student, so I'll do anything to avoid spending money 3. I'm running a BSA Superten .22 at 11.2ftlb, I've got my zero set at 25m using RWS Superdomes. This looks pretty good on Chairgun, giving me a 6-27m point of ai
  16. Days should be getting longer now
  17. Can you include a forum for Northern Ireland?
  18. Heard of a similar incident near where I live that happened a few years ago. Man was out in the field, discharged a shot from his .22 upwards, probably at a bird in a tree. Missed the bird, the bullet came down and hit a girl in a school playground. Luckily it just gave her a hard knock on the head. Apparently the police took all the guns in a one mile radius around the school for testing and found the guy. He was quite a senior man, and they just took his FAC off him. Millet: there was an article on the beeb a few months ago about shooting into the air: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine
  19. Nice videos as usual! Were those shots all with 12fpe? If so, that 57yd headshot is well impressive. Do you still get rabbits at this time of year?
  20. I guess one good thing about this anti is, he got me watching your videos
  21. Practical air pistol is becoming more and more popular these days, could be a use for it aside from just casual plinking.
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