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Everything posted by Elliott

  1. Nice looking rifle Daz
  2. Just use JSB Exact's instead from Intershoot, its the same pellet and they come with free delivery, even for single tins. Quality is spot on, they're very well wrapped
  3. Thanks chaps, was nice to get out again. Been incredibly busy with work and out 13 week old lately
  4. Well its that tine of the year again and the rabbits are making a come back on the smallest permission I have; a small plot where the landowner grows his own vegetables. Having visited on Friday after work the landowner told me they were back with a vengance. A trip to the plot on Saturday saw me draw a blank with only one sighting so I decided to pop back and get camo'd up at the very same spot this morning having seen two there again on my way in. After a 30 min wait I got my first this year. A nice 3/4 grown rabbit taken with a clinical head shot at 28 yards. Didn't see any others afte
  5. What an amazing bag! Well done! Can't wait to get some time out myself, its been too long!
  6. Nice shooting and nice Rapid, I've always fancied one of those
  7. Nice rifle, if you struggle to find a use for it just give me a shout, I'll gladly take it off your hands
  8. My Rangemaster Li tests: www.youtube.com/elliottg123
  9. I must have tried almost every pellet in my My .22 HW100KT and yes, the Falcon Accuracy Plus are good but I found only in calm conditions. I fend the light pellet is easily blown off course. For me the optimum pellet in my rifle are the Daystate Rangemaster Li's. I've put pellet on pellet with these at 44m. Was shooting them outside at 25m on Saturday and they literally passed through the same hole. Check out my YouTube videos of them. One thing that I have found with them though, oddly, is that they don't like clean barrels! I cleaned mine the other week and it took ages for them to get
  10. Hi Bill, hope you're well. What was wrong with the Tench reg if you don't mind me asking? The only reason I ask is that I've recently picked up an AA S200 and am considering sending it away to have one fitted. Send us a PM if needed pal. Glad the nightvision kit is looking promising, its something I've never really considered until recently. ATB
  11. Well done, what a great mixed bag. As I mentioned the other day, the owl decoy will work best around nesting time, I've had great success at that time of year! ATB
  12. That's spot on advice and exactly what I do - it works a treat and makes the set up for more effective
  13. Best to use around nesting time pal, you may not have much luck at this time of the year. I use a little owl Decoy and its awesome, especially on permissions where there aren't many avian preditors :thumbup: Here's a post I put on the HW owners forum after a successful session: http://weihrauchowne...php?f=16&t=8202
  14. At the permission this morning and tested out the Li's at 44m (48.1 yards). They seem a perfect match for the HW100 and my chairgun calculations on x6 mag seem spot on The set-up http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3B8x3aGgiNU&feature=channel_video_title Pebble and 5 pence piece
  15. Thanks Si, I was well happy with that one, here's the group after it opened out after the last shot. Its the group to the right of the 5 pence piece. Thanks for the stuff mate you're a star
  16. Just found the same , out of 13 types , the accuracy plus were spot on . I think I've tried just about every pellet in my HW100 chaps and the Accuracy Plus were great, but crap when there was a slight breeze.. very light pellet. ATB
  17. Latest group using these new pellets that I'm trialing.. pretty happy to say the least. 25m indoor range: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LNIdw1pc-cY&feature=channel_video_title
  18. Here's the video, apologies for the talking, I was having a chat with one of the club members who showed an interest in the set up. See what I mean about the target not being as clear as the crosshair? Needs some playing with to get right and note the crosshair moving slightly, so I'll turn off the stabilization mode and give that a try next time http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bQp6HyiN2KA&feature=channel_video_title
  19. Spot on as usual Si, I think I had the stabilization mode on which explains why the crosshairs took some time to settle too! Thanks for the advice, its really appreciated, I'm sure I'll get there in the end. Just figured out how to convert to MPEG 2 from the Lumix software so I can upload to YouTube (may not have to do it) so I'm still experimenting a bit and I'm waiting for my slow internet connection (tethered from my phone!) to upload onto YouTube (22% done up to yet ). Looking forward to seeing the VerminHunters video's, I can only hope to capture footage like you and Davy, you both m
  20. Thanks Si, I'll give that a try - just means I'll need to get my head around the new mil dot calibration Can't help but think there's something else I'm missing too .. just uploading a video from SD card to PC, then to YouTube (hopefully) so you can see ATB
  21. Thanks for that, and fantastic shot! What mode setting did you have your Lumix on? Was your scope magnification low too?
  22. Finally got around to sorting out the Lumix and Seben scope cam adaptor and they seem to be working brilliantly. The camera is recording in HD, and the crosshairs on the clips are very crisp and clear, but the downrange image isn't really as clear as I'd like it. I think this is because the camera is focused on the reticule and also having to view the target through the Viper scope glass (the parallax was focused correctly) I only thought about it when I got home and watched the video's back. I wonder if the clarity of the downrange target would have been clearer if I had my scope on a lo
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