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Everything posted by Elliott

  1. I would honestly consider selling my HW100KT for one of those.. in fact I may well do
  2. Wow, that looks AMAZING! The grain on that stock looks great! I want one! Looking forward to hearing how it shoots
  3. I've just seen this new style camo, have to say it looks bloody impressive on the photos! Here's a picture I've taken from my issue of the BASC magazine that I get free as part of my shooting PLI
  4. That about sums it up as far as I can tell
  5. Cheers Si and thanks to Mike AKA Secretagentmole who has also spent some time trying to help throw this information together - some great people on here. If I can at any point return the favour please let me know Looking forward to putting the info to good use on some long range targets and rabbit sniping.. they're wising up pretty fast at the min!
  6. Further to the post I made yesterday regarding the 50m group with Rangemaster Li's can anyone help me recalibrate by BC by using POI rather than FPS? The problem I've got is I have no computer at present and the Chairgun app on my ipod will only allow me to adjust BC using FPS. I know on the full programne you can use POI to define BC, as also demonstrated in one of Si's videos. I'm hoping to revise my aim points on the MTC Viper and would ideally like a map of the reticule in meters. Would someone be kind enough to input the data into their chairgun software and email me the map of t
  7. Hi lads, wind dropped quite significantly tonight so I used the opportunity to calibrate my mil dots at 50m with my new batch of Li's. Scope zero'd at 35m. Drop was 11.5cm (4.5 inch) which is 2 1/4 mil dots at x10 mag on the MTC Viper. Chairgun stated 3 mil dots so some adjustments to the BC needed. Anyway, here was the group with one mis judged shot by me (labeled flyer) Also did another 50m penny shot where I shot the edge of a 1p, this time unfortunately hitting it with the second shot due to underestimating the windage. Better quality vid this time, did it with the Lumix
  8. Just watched the Airgun Gear video, got to say it did seem to take a long while for the pellet to impact!.
  9. Can't see this vid on my mobile, if its on YouTube could someone please post the link?
  10. That's fantastic Si, is that how its performing with just the Stage 1 tune?! You need to get a video up pal, can't wait to see it perform. I've just made an offer on a 97K on the BBS. Fingers crossed.
  11. Nice write up and impressive shots with springers, I doubt I could match that with my precharged
  12. Good shooting and nice MFR, how do you find the .20 calibre?
  13. Well, at least you know pal Keep at the magpies, crows and squirrels if you want to help conserve our songbirds!
  14. They're a great rifle in .22 and devastating against bunnies, I'm sure you'll enjoy it!
  15. Nice one, here's a pic of mine after it had done the business
  16. Are you from the England Adam? I take it that you don't know Starlings are a Red List species and as such are protected under the Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981 http://www.rspb.org.uk/wildlife/birdguide/name/s/starling/index.aspx http://www.rspb.org.uk/wildlife/birdguide/name/s/starling/legal.aspx Make sure you know and stick to the General Licence species in future pal
  17. My aim points are the same whatever Mag i set it on weather 4x or 14x no difference for Me, Best £250 i have ever spent on a Scope plus the Glass is Crystal clear. atvb Daz 7. That sounds awesome Daz, I'm temped.. what model is it that you've got?
  18. Nice shot placement Skot, strange how the woody wasn't killed outright with shot placements like that?
  19. I have half a tin at home but didn't really give them a fair trial after my 10 tins of Rangemaster Li's turned up. Must give them another try
  20. What cal is your HW100 Paul? ATB
  21. You swapped the wife too moley?! Hope you got a good deal
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