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Everything posted by Elliott

  1. Let us know how you think it compares to the HW100 Darryl. I nearly bought one over my HW100 at the time and have always fancied one since
  2. Inspired by the recent threads on DIY shooting sticks I decided to have a go at making some for myself. I bought two 6ft plastic coated canes from Homebase for £6.99 and a box of 50mm bolts and nuts for £3.99 (only needed one!). I cut the canes down to 4ft, drilled a hole approx 10 inches down from the top, threaded my bolt through and attached the nut. I wrapped three layers of insulation tape around the top 8 inches of both sticks and using a Jack Pyke neoprene barrel cover (http://jackpyke.co.uk/products/neoprene-range/neoprene-barrel-cover-single.aspx) I had spare in the shed,
  3. Get on the phone to HC and get it sent back or ask for a replacement from your RFD. Not normal for a HW100
  4. Look forward to seeing the 50yd results
  5. Its a special sledge design, very clever in engineering terms. I believe Air Arms once had a similar springer. By all accounts they are very expensive, what did you manage to pick up yours for? You managing ok with the weight?
  6. Flippin heck that looks amazing, have you got a full production team too You'll have the best produced DVDs and YouTube footage ever with that beauty! Well done, look forward to seeing the footage. Can I pop along and do the recording?! ATB
  7. Perfectly put and who dictates that? Man of course
  8. the humble rook also has no natural predators but ive lost count of the amount ive seen shot and posted on here as crows ?? even though the rook does no damage to agriculture at all it is still persecuted by the uneducated, if your livelyhood put the food in your kids mouths and herons and cormorants were jeopardising this then perhaps you would have a different view to the one you hold now.Couldn't agree more ref Rooks, in fact they can be viewed as beneficial. Funnily enough I'm from a large farming family and feel I have a pretty good sense of perspective so how do you feel about pig
  9. the humble rook also has no natural predators but ive lost count of the amount ive seen shot and posted on here as crows ?? even though the rook does no damage to agriculture at all it is still persecuted by the uneducated, if your livelyhood put the food in your kids mouths and herons and cormorants were jeopardising this then perhaps you would have a different view to the one you hold now.Couldn't agree more ref Rooks, in fact they can be viewed as beneficial. Funnily enough I'm from a large farming family and feel I have a pretty good sense of perspective so how do you feel about pig
  10. the humble rook also has no natural predators but ive lost count of the amount ive seen shot and posted on here as crows ?? even though the rook does no damage to agriculture at all it is still persecuted by the uneducated, if your livelyhood put the food in your kids mouths and herons and cormorants were jeopardising this then perhaps you would have a different view to the one you hold now. Couldn't agree more ref Rooks, in fact they can be viewed as beneficial. Funnily enough I'm from a large farming family and feel I have a pretty good sense of perspective
  11. Shop away if it makes you feel better but ive always believed that sort of talk comes back too bite you on the arse at some point. I view a pest as something that is having a financial impact on someone and if it is the person loosing out should be allowed to protect his stock. These fisheries that you seem to dislike...I'm sure they give jobs to people, ? Certainly more important than a f*****g heron!! Total waste of time Missed the point completely
  12. Reading through the past few posts about Herons and Cormorants it seems obvious that one or two people are slightly confused about what is constituted as a pest. In fact the term 'pest' is often misused and in many cases only considered a 'pest' for three reasons: 1. It has no natural preditor due to its previous extinction (usually caused by man). As result the numbers have increased dramatically to such an extent that it has a detremental effect on other species within the eco system 2. It has a negative effect on industrial farming operations resulting in a net loss of crops (think
  13. You using Super H Points out to 40-50 yards?! Never tried them, if your HW77 is a .22 I'll give them a try
  14. Ah the hills of Blackurn Nice pic as usual Darryl
  15. Stu the HW77 legend Well done mate, a real bag
  16. Awesome tally by the way moxy, that Rapid seems to be serving you well, an old MK1 too eh? Is it sub 12 or FAC. That must be one hell of a permission
  17. That's the second or third time I've seen the word "branchers" used and it's not one I have come across before. What is a "brancher"? I assume it is a bird sitting on a branch, either a pigeon coming in to roost or a young fledgling coming out of a rooks nest or similar. Please enlighten me..... Thanks. Usually fledgling Rooks
  18. What time you meeting up on Sat Davy? I'm working Sunday but may be able to pop down on Saturday. Is there an entry fee?
  19. Great shooting Stuart, just goes to show you don't need a PCP to bag large numbers of vermin. What did you do with all the rabbits?
  20. You can give it a try but personally a prefer a traditional beer. On this occassion I used 'Old Golden Hen'
  21. Awesome Si; nice post mate. Can't wait to see more of the HW98
  22. You'll have to test your individual rifle to assess its power as each rifle is different. Your local gun shop or club may have a chrono that you can borrow to find out its fps. Always handy to have a chrono yourself to keep an eye on the power
  23. Amazing photography Darryl, the first and last ones are my favorite! Good going pal, you should seriously consider selling them on canvas
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