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Everything posted by Elliott

  1. Had a walk out around the family farm and drew a blank, weather was atrocious, blowing a gale and intermittent showers. The light made for some interesting photos though
  2. Georgeous rifle; got to get one of these. Best looking air rifle on the market in my opinion
  3. Good shooting, perfect pellet placement
  4. If you phone Tony up you will be able to order one Ste . Like i said earlier he is considering doing a run of 30 of them mate. Si. Cheers Si. How much are the spectre's retailing at and what's the difference between a Spectre and buying a 95 in a CS stock and sending it for a Stage 1 tune with Tony? ATB, Elliott
  5. Amazing shooting lads and great video. Si, can you sort me out with a Spectre?! Well done chaps
  6. Just caught up on HLF gossip, I'm suprised the missus doesn't have an account this is better than any soap Without geetting too involved I can't help feeling a little bit sorry for Miles although I do think he enjoyed a good wind-up. Maybe the mods will reconsider letting him back on after a cooling off period, he did have a very interesting thread in the hunting section but for whatever reason I sensed some bitterness creep in.. Ah well
  7. Looking forward to the review Simon I'm sure Andy will be impressed with the kit
  8. Thanks lads but you can always improve Cheers for the link Paul, I may well invest in one of those
  9. There's an element of truth there skot which is why most FT shooters use these: http://www.intershoot.co.uk/acatalog/Centra-Level-I-164.html I've been considering one myself for my Annie but am too stubborn and can't justify the spend.. just try harder! Takes all the fun out too, it can all get a bit OTT
  10. That must call for a video Si, I'd love to see that one!
  11. Just get it ordered, they're a lovely piece of kit. I'm saving up for one in .22 Nearly bought one in .17HMR
  12. Or you could align your scope's horizontal crosshair with a spirit level set out in your garden. Providing you can ensure your rifle is level it works equally fine. I've used both methods
  13. Evening Phil, I think you'd find your pellets landing slighty left or right from the vertical crosshair at distances over 35/40 yards. I usually set my rifles up with a small spirit level and plumb line. Spirit level to make sure the rifle is level and plumb line to align the vertical crosshair; only have to do it once
  14. That's the way to do it. The only other thing I can add is pay particular attention to its elevation and location to the nearest sitty tree or fence post. Over time I have found that, as is expected, corvids like to observe the owl from a higher position before flying down to mob it. If you're in an open field place the decoy on the floor a few yards away from a fence post or hedge; it's likely they'll land on there so gives you a good chance to pace/rangefind the distance from your static position and prepare for the shot If you ever shoot a corvid on another permission place it un
  15. Your RFD should be able to order you one in if you're looking to buy?
  16. Nice vid Darryl, how does it fair over the chrono with the slingshot valve?
  17. Correct Give the Daystate Li's a try; chances are if it likes accupel it'll love the Li's
  18. Daz that rifle looks amazing!
  19. Nice video Steve, I've never had rabbits jump around so much when I've shot them with the .22 Do you think it could be something to do with the .177 calibre?
  20. Shouldn't affect your zero but you hold over/under points will be different
  21. Cheers Nick, yes I watched the video today
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