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Everything posted by Elliott

  1. Ha ha, bit of editing and it was sorted. Shame we didn't get last night's on. You up for tonight, could be a big one?..
  2. Video from last week: http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/292107-hmr-rabbit-control/
  3. Got my laptop repaired, here's a short clip from last week: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=smFKhQe8pC8#action=share
  4. Cheers dedger, yes I did mate. Thanks for the info. Also found my local shop will almost match the price when asked Uploading a short clip of rabbit shooting at the moment that was taken last week. I'll post the link as soon as its done
  5. Cheers lads. Just phoned the butcher, he's still keen. What's the going rate for rabbit these days?
  6. Aye, 250ft/lb takes no prisoners!
  7. For those considering 'The Dark Side'.. Its messy! http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/292038-golf-course-with-hmr/?p=3228671&do=findComment&comment=3228671
  8. Just got back from the perm with darrenb47 and his pal Chris. Awful weather, not much about. Ended up with these two around - 100 yards away, both clean head shots. My god the HMR makes a mess. Going to take them to the butchers tomorrow.. wish me luck
  9. Brilliant shooting Si, I was hoping you'd upload the video tonight after sending the picture through of that 50m group. The 98 looks great and Tony has clearly done a great job of tuning it. Keep the videos coming they are great. How you doing for rabbits down there, we've got quite a few up here. I'm back out with darrenb47 on the golf course with the HMR on Thursday
  10. I'm not debating the effectivness of the two calibres, there's no doubt the HMR floors them. I've got .22LR on my ticket too so I'll get one soon. The HMR makes a fair old mess on the body shots so as I say, it's head shots only from now on
  11. Nice shooting moxy, love the S10
  12. Just got back in from a golf course permission I share with darrenb47 on this forum. Just this week been give the green light to use my HMR and having not had the opportunity to shoot vermin with it since purchasing it earlier this year I couldn't wait Well, its safe to say in future its head shots only for the rabbits! The little .17 was turning them inside out! That said its certainly an effective vermin control calibre, if just a little too loud even with the mod. I'm wondering if .22LR may be more appropriate for this permission now that I am able to use rimfires
  13. I agree with fret78 her Si; your shooting is somewhat legendery. I'm sure if you put your mind to it you'd easily be able to do it One thing I'm a bit rubbish on is finding the perfect pellet and calibrating my set up. Would love to spend some time with you and Davy doing it properly
  14. Nice video Si, some great shooting as usual. Those empty cases certainly are a challege. When I did my video with the .22 Dave Hall HW77K I was aiming at the bottom of the case where the hammer strikes at a lazed 50m. Its about the size of a .22 pellet. I've got loads of cases from the HMR, they do make good targets! Keep up the good work, nice to see Phil in the vids too!
  15. Get it up Si, the videos are great We need to get out for a shoot pal and put these rifles properly through their paces. You guys are raising the bar as usual . I need a new SD card and my laptop hard drive repaired and I'll post up some more videos too The HW77 of mine was putting pellet on pellet from the kneeling position at 50 yards yesterday off the sticks! Loving the spring rifles at the moment, can't see me returning to PCP's
  16. Cheers for the comments. Coley, I'm not too keen on shooting the small ones myself but on a golf course permission like darrenb47 and I have you've got to take everything. The greenkeeper got in touch with us both this week and asked us to hammer them after causing damage to the greens. He's given us permission to use the HMR too so we'll be taking the beast out with us for some serious vermin control on Thu night this week
  17. Great video lads. Si, that HW98 of yours is phenominally accurate with FAP out to 50m. That was a fair old group! Loving the Pro Sport Phil, such a beautiful rifle
  18. Hi Simon, glad you're getting on the the 97K. I haven't forgotten your question re the stain used on the stock. I'll possibly have an answer for you by this weekend With regards to the H&N FTT, have you considered trying Weihrauch's brand of pellets? If memory serves they have called 'Field Target Special' (FTS) and are very similar, if not identical to FTT. Perhaps they are produced or sorted to a higher standard than FTT? I've used them in the past to good effect, maybe worth a try; here's a link: http://mobile.uttings.co.uk/Product/1006/103729/weihrauch-field-target-special-17
  19. Took these out for a session with the HW77 this evening. There's no POI change even with a spring piston rifle Not sure if its because of the reduced recoil from the Dave Hall Full Monty tune or the padding on the sticks; possibly a combination of both. Tested out to 50 yards and they were spot on. The HW77 is easier to shoot than my Anschutz HMR from the sticks purely due to the weight and how stable it is on aim. I'd advise anyone to consider making a set, especially when the grass is long at this time of the year
  20. Great video Si & Davy, well done lads
  21. Cheers lads; its been a very long time since something like that has happened when I've been out Needless to say the land over was over the moon that he has three fewer rabbits. Their numbers have started to build just over the last two weeks!
  22. Thought I'd have walk out with the Dave Hall tuned HW77K tonight. Arrived on my local permission and drove past three rabbits on the front lawn.. Into the field and after around 10 mins spotted my first rabbit, it's head just poking above the long grass. I lazed it at yards and started to slowly close the distance to 50 yards. With my back against the fence and sat in the FT sitting position. I placed the second mil dot on its head and squeezed the trigger.. disaster. I saw the rabbit topple but the shot had dropped low and hit just below the chest. A quck run over and I followed up with
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