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Everything posted by Elliott

  1. The field provided a good backdrop as there was a lot of slope behind the shot and HMR fragments so I'd call safe shot. That said as a general policy if there was any kind of building in the background (I can't tell from the video) I personally wouldn't take a shot unless there was a steep or sheer bank as a shallow slope, especially wet grass, can lead to ricochets from what my expeience walking around with others has led to me to believe. That said, highly unlikely with fragmenting ammo, but worth bearing in mind. My general policy with any kind of shooting is any doubt, don't shoot. Hi Al
  2. I started with the airgun, did ok for a while until they got wise and kept well out of range. By then I'd built up a bit of trust with the Head Greenkeeper and he gave me the nod for rimfire. Haven't looked back since
  3. , C'mon hutchey, I wouldn't have taken the shot it it wasn't safe. He certainly got vaperised though i'm no expert nor on moral high ground but i've heard and seen so many stories and video clips that just defy all safety. Nice one though and it is of interest as i'm looking to ask a course that i play if they need someone to help with their rabbits as they are causing a lot of damage. No probs mate and good luck with the course, they are great to shoot over if you can get on with rimfires
  4. , C'mon hutchey, I wouldn't have taken the shot it it wasn't safe. He certainly got vaperised though
  5. http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/295956-hmr-vs-grey-squirrel/
  6. Now then lads Nipped onto the Golf Course again this morning at 4.30am. Cut a long story short, five shots taken resulting in five clinical dispatches; two of which were one after the other at 90m. The morning was due to end at 6.45am and I was half way through cleaning up the four rabbits I'd shot when I spotted this grey squirrel foraging under the trees at a lazered 60m away. Never one to miss an opportunity, I lined up the shot and took it. Now then, I have often watched hunting videos on YouTube and seen all the thrashing about that occasionally happens after a head shot. I must s
  7. Sent Davy, sounds like it turned out to be a good meet
  8. Was on the course for 4.30am this morning, ended with three rabbits in the bag. Amazingly I played with the scope for a good few hours yesterday only to find it shooting off this morning! Here's a short snippet:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_WqoJj5yHnE&feature=youtu.be
  9. FAC would definately be worth a look although I'm sure Daz will be along soon, he has a Rapid TTR in .25 at sub 12 ft/lb and has had some excellent results through practicing hold over and calibrating his scope
  10. 17g V-Max £9.99 in my local gun shop. Off out for some rabbits this morning with them
  11. I think they are all pretty similar and its largely down to two things: 1. Ammo batches 2. Personal preference ATB
  12. Yeah it's one of Matts. He's a f*****g artist Tell us a bit more about the rifle, is it a JB'd Scorpion with an Ultra barrel; and who's this Matt chap, he looks like he knows what he's doing?
  13. Nice shooting, that's a great looking rifle you have there
  14. Visited the family farm today and took the HMR. I hadn't checked zero for a while so that was the first job. First shot was used as the aim point with the next three forming a very tidy group at 98 yards Twenty minutes later I spotted two crows on a dry-stone wall 90 and 100 yards away. I could tell these were relatively young crows both by their size and my ability to get within range of them. Resting on another wall I let rip two shots, whacking each of them one after the other. First crows since purchasing the Anschutz 1517. It takes no prisoners
  15. Simon, have you considered Nikon, they look a good little optic in 3-9x40 spec?
  16. Davy, you are THE MAN! Some incredible shooting there, very ethical. Hats of to you lads on producing another top quality video ATB, Elliott
  17. Lovely looking rifle, that's one serious piece of kit. Great shooting
  18. Nice read there Simon, sounds like you've got a keeper there. I haven't used my HW77K for a while and this has given me the motivation to get it back out of the gun safe. I've just got off the phone to my uncle regarding the stain for the stock. I'm sending some pictures across to him as a reminder since it was a while ago when it was done and I'll hopefully have an answer for you this week
  19. On my HW77K it's x6 and I don't see the need for any more. I only use x10 on my HMR and that's shooting at distances of up to 130 yards. Have a practice and see what works best for you. I'd suggest shooting targets at various ranges on different mags all within your hunting capabilities (assuming you hunt) and see how your pellets group on paper. Some find the wobble of high magnification puts them off but others manage just fine
  20. Great video lads, well done to you both on the refurb, it looks like your hard work has paid off. It's nice to have a little project on the go isn't it, I'd love to have a go at tinkering with an old HW80, I bet its an enjoyable process. You were fairly whacking those crows too, sounded like it was hitting like a sledgehammer
  21. Nice one Mike, the Rapid looks the part
  22. Top shot and a good reason to take it too!
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