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Everything posted by Elliott

  1. Thanks seeker, our family owns the 300 acres around it which includes the wall and the 20 acre sloping field behind the target which I was shooting at from a raised position
  2. Had a cracking bit of fun with the 1517 on the farm today. Weather was gorgeous here in Lancashire, around 20 degrees C and with a slight wind on the hills where I shoot, possibly around 8mph. Having not shot my HMR for a while I thought I'd stretch it's legs a bit and have a play at over 200 yards, shooting at a golf ball. Well, after three shots I managed to whack it with my fourth From a 100 yard zero on 10x mag I aimed 1.5 mil dots high at the golf ball set out at 204 yards. I gave 2 mil dots to the right to account for the wind. My first three shots missed by around 1" as I was only gi
  3. Bloody great dogs are the JRT Well done on training it, most JRT's would run after anything that moves - little b*****ds Here was my best pal when I was a lad, we did some hunting over the years. Best dog I ever had and loyal until the last day
  4. Nice rifle villaman, so how does she group?!
  5. I was in the same boat and to be honest, if your FEO is the same as mine BASC are right. What I mean is I'm on a closed ticket, as you will be for your first, but that doesn't mean I can't shoot anywhere else. All I do is ring my FEO directly, tell him where I want to shoot if I have a new permission and he either says yay or nay. If your FEO has similar knowledge of the area like mine I suspect he / she will do the same. Adding every bit of land will only take longer for your ticket to be processed if it's an 'office woller' that has to walk each bit of ground listed. Oh and by the w
  6. No need to be harsh lads, these rifles are renowned for being extremely accurate, reliable and very effective at FAC levels. Good luck with it Adam
  7. Nice one Adam, Ted from Ted's Holdover rates them highly. His it seems has been pushed to one side a little after getting the new FX Bullpup. Look forward to seeing how you get on with it pal. The only bad thing I can see is that the bolt would be difficult to operate whilst the gun is in your shoulder. Perhaps it's easier than it looks. All the best with it!
  8. Hi Roger, I only log it when on the golf course due to it being a public place. 101 works fine on my mobile
  9. Hi Bob, what's usually the best head size for a .22 HW77K? Might try some at some point
  10. bud i wish i could find a the hawke scope you have on your 77 would be going on my hw80 but i can only find them in 30-30 ret and i like the holdover points marked . Rocking horse poo now, I'm afraid Lots more to choose from though, the panorama are supposedly good
  11. Looks the business in the CS stock I much prefer the 40mm objectives. The only problem you usually find is the mag range for the 40mm scopes are 3-9. People bang on about the light gathering ability of 50mm lenses but high quality glass in 40mm format it better than a cheaper scope with a 50mm lens.. I only wish I could afford one!
  12. Looks like all had a good time and a laugh! Nice one lads, good scores in poor conditions too
  13. Awesome bag Stu, good work Look forward to the video footage
  14. Yawn.. I'm not suggesting the HMR is useful to shoot pigeons in a cow shed am I? Did I not mention FAC air in 22 and 25? Calm your little self Sub 12 is perfect for pigeon control, especially in outbuildings My post was merely to highlight a proper FAC .17 cal instead of fannying about with .177 FAC air
  15. Lets be honest, what is a .177 FAC air good for, apart from overpenetrating whatever it hits? If it's the flat trajectory that the op wants in .17 cal at FAC power levels then the HMR is as good as it gets, hence the suggestion. If he's adamant it's FAC AIR he's after then .22 or .25 is a far better choice. IMO .177 FAC air doesn't fit anywhere
  16. Which part of the copper coat on a HMR bullet (which does it's best to weld itself to the inside of your barrel) will make it better by leading the barrel? Term of speech my friend, keep your hair on In my experience my HMR doesn't like cleaning, many people find the same. I will GUARANTEE you any HMR with a good true barrel will shoot better clean than dirty. Was your barrel filthy and lined with copper residue when you got the gun new? Barrel cleaning has been discussed many times on this and other forums. Cleaning any rifle, particularly the little HMR
  17. Which part of the copper coat on a HMR bullet (which does it's best to weld itself to the inside of your barrel) will make it better by leading the barrel? Term of speech my friend, keep your hair on In my experience my HMR doesn't like cleaning, many people find the same.
  18. I don't generally clean mine. Most people don't bother with rimfire rifles, they usually get better as they lead up
  19. If you're going down the FAC route you might as well get a centrefire to sort the problem out properly. My HMR conditioned for fox fairly fettles them though
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