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Everything posted by Elliott

  1. Nice one Bob, where about's in Cumbria are you from, anywhere near my neck of the woods?
  2. I have a Jap Hawke Frontier 3-9x40 on my HW77K. It's solid as a rock. Unfortunately they don't make them anymore though
  3. Hi Andy, that '90 looks the business. I used to shoot my cousin's around 12 years or so ago and loved it, one hell of an accurate rifle
  4. I'm with you on this one Paul
  5. For those who are on the look out for a lamp/torch set up. Here's part 1 of my two-part review of the Nite-Tek T20
  6. You'll probably be ok for a while sull, until they associate the light with danger. Just try not to 'overshoot' your permission and you'll be fine. The golf course rabbits on my perm are getting twitchy with the red T20 at the mo
  7. Red LED's are the way forward rather than filters
  8. I bought a T20 kit from Nite-Tek to use on my HMR. Could be considered too powerful for airguns but you can adjust the focus to widen the beam, making it more suitable. I'm just uploading Part 1 of a review now to my YouTube channel. There's loads of options out there, you won't need anything too powerful but I'd definitely go for a red beam or filter as appose to a white one. If you're planning on mounting it to your scope make sure the mounting system is a good one too. It can be really irritating if the scope mount is fiddly and if it's not set high enough can reflect back from your bar
  9. Thanks for the videos Darryl, after watching them I'd feel confident in stripping and working on my own HW77K. Other than piston buttoning I wonder what else goes into a professional tune?
  10. Nice one Simon, the Huntsman's do look like great rifles. I'm sure you'll enjoy shooting it, should be superb on the rabbits
  11. Nice one Stu, that was one fast rabbit. In the slo-mo It looked like it heard the shot and turned to run before the pellet hit it!
  12. Crows in trees sounds like a good example of where FAC Air could come into it's own I suppose. I like blatting them at 150 yards on the flat moorland permissions I have.. one or two dead sheep for them to feed on
  13. Have to disagree with this comment. Personally I find the FAC air more versatile, that's why it's my go to rifle and why I sold my rim-fires (HMR and .22lr)Anything FAC you have to be prepared to give up if you lose your ticket, so if the land owner sells and your without land your left high and dry facing selling up ! Benefits for me with FAC Air are: Extended range, with out the fall out range of a Rim-fire Quarry is put down harder with a real good impact Nice and quiet Bucks the wind far better Already have the charging gear Ammo: choice is huge, it's not restricted like other F
  14. Skot, if your HW100 likes H&N FTT then it would be woth trying the new Accupel FT pellets which are allegedly lubed H&N FTT. Sounds like some people are having good results. They are available in .22 http://static5.uttings.info/images/products/webley/accupel-ft-pell_E7863CC3_large.jpg
  15. Must admit, I don't see much use for FAC air. My sub 12 HW100 was capable of dispatching rabbits at 50 yards and I don't believe the extra 10-20 yards of FAC air would be that much of an advantage. Beyond this range I'd either stalk closer or use a rimfire which is much less affected by the wind. It's for this reason I now have a sub 12 HW77K and a HMR
  16. You would think so but I don't believe that is the case. I had to send my cert back to have fox added as a condition for my HMR
  17. Oh dear. The picture was taken after recieving the Cert back from having the condition added, that's what the date has to do with it. It was signed five minutes after.
  18. Yep. They WILL give you a written warning of prosecution as a minimum for that when you come to renew it (assuming it doesn't get discovered before). Calm down lads, that photo was taken when it arrived back from having the foxing condition added to it. Look at the date in the top right corner
  19. Different Mike, not my cup of tea. Looks a bit like a custom nerf gun to me Hope it serves you well all the same
  20. Are you seriously saying the wording for your HMR condition on your FAC says CLOSE RANGE FOX? And what distance does your FAC go on to say is close range or is that simply left to you?? I wondered that as well, I wonder if you are required to lazer range find for every shot then incase it oversteps the mark by a foot or two, bloody ludicrous.Yup Never seen that before, is there actually a definition of close on your FAC? To be honest that is the biggest load of rubbish I have ever seen on a FAC, just what does it mean, my close, your close, police close, RSPCA Close???? How
  21. Are you seriously saying the wording for your HMR condition on your FAC says CLOSE RANGE FOX? And what distance does your FAC go on to say is close range or is that simply left to you?? I wondered that as well, I wonder if you are required to lazer range find for every shot then incase it oversteps the mark by a foot or two, bloody ludicrous. Yup
  22. I have my .17HMR conditioned for 'Close Range Fox' on my Golf Course Permission. Sub 100 yards and it does the business
  23. Bloody hell Deker that's some shooting! I counted around 90? Where the heck did you shoot that lot?
  24. Thanks lads, I ordered the Shakespeare Odyssey from Tackleuk on Sunday Should arrive Tue/Wed
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