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Everything posted by Elliott

  1. Nice little video Darryl. Looks like Gary and yourself had some fun! Great little calibre is the HMR. With a bit more use and less wind I'm sure those groups would tighten up considerably
  2. Shame about the Regal but the HW100 is just a beast. You can't go wrong at all. I'd love another one
  3. Nice set up you have there, is it a .22 CZ 455?
  4. I've been looking at a CZ511 for sale and could be tempted. What's so good about them? The statement that they are as accurate as a bolt action sounds quite impressive for a semi
  5. How are you finding the Regal ,had any problems yet ? To be honest nothing I'd call serious Villaman. But, there are a few more points against it, than for it. After a lifetime of springer shooting, the Huntsman Regal feels or seems a bit flimsy in construction and not all that powerful. Maybe that's because it is totally recoiless and gives nothing away when you shoot with it. It doesn't seem to have the punch that a 12ft/lb rifle should have, so, I need to get it Chroned to find out for sure. The barrel rattles inside the supporting ring (or something!) when you shake the rifle.
  6. I did the same, here are mine: Very nice. What did you do to stop the sticks clanging together when they are being carried? Or are the feet enough? I increased the size of the stick's diameter in the 'V' section by building up a few layers of insulation tape and then stretched a neoprene barrel cover from Jack Pyke that I had knocking about over the top to protect the rifle when using them. I had to trim the neoprene barrel cover down a bit to fit but left it an inch or so too long at the top so that I could superglue the tips together. I then slid and glued the left over ove
  7. Thanks and yes mate. Scrap Carbon fibre fishing poles. Stainless steel tubing. Bike Hand grips. Nuts bolts, glue and paint. Took about an hour to do. If I were going to do them again. I would use thinner carbon pole. Nice job Moxy, they look very professional
  8. Were the 'hang fires' and ammo issues with the blue tipped variety? This is the only reason I ask: http://www.airgunbbs.com/showthread.php?697872-Why-did-I-buy-an-HMR
  9. Out of curiosity, are you using ballistic tipped Remmington?
  10. Hi Darryl, what's that locking thing you talk about, never seen that before?
  11. Wouldn't mind seeing a close up of that Darryl. If it's the reflex type A&M could be onto a real winner with that one considering the little difference between the HMR mods. Is it easy enough to strip and clean?
  12. you mean 22lr if so it would depend on the ammo used not the rifle Hey Paul, Do semi-auto's not produce less ft/lb than a standard bolt action, I'm sure I heard that somewhere?
  13. Thanks chaps, sold them this morning - £16 in the back pocket which tops up the HMR ammo fund
  14. Not sure on that one Dan but it sounds like you've got it sorted
  15. Looks the part, you can't beat walnut!
  16. Struggling to understand what you mean Dan. I have the same rifle so I'm sure I could help. Have you turned the bolt whilt out and removed the spring and firing pin?
  17. Come on Andy, they aren't that bad are they?! I've got two Hawke scopes and they're great. My Nite-Eye Digi sits on the HMR and is clear enough to see the furthest targets that I shoot at 200 yards: It does the business under the lamp too: http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/316250-another-eight/
  18. I agree, took my 455 out on tuesday eveing for a quick mooch to get a brace I had promised a mate. Chinned two at what felt SILLY FAR, but realistically was comfortable hmr range of around 120m. It's a fun little round for daytime rabbiting and vermin. I understand why some people prefer the .22lr and I'll get one myself some time soon but at night time, when range finding is difficult the HMR comes into it's own
  19. they can and do ricochet. i can say that will experience. not just theory Anybody that has shot a 17 can do mate. As for a blade of grass turning the 17gn bullet to dust....... I like the 17hmr, I've only had one a couple weeks and it really suits me. Compared to the 22s I've used before for what I want it's head and shoulders superior. But it's a fact they're no safer! "No ricochets" is a really dangerous bit of propaganda to push to the public! Love my 1517 HMR and agree that was a poor statement to make. Nailed 8 rabbits with mine last night out to 140 yards
  20. Just got in and cleaned these up for tomorrow. Shortest shot, 40 yards, longest shot 140 yards. Managed to clear a field of four rabbits, one after the other, within 2 minutes then shot two more rabbits sat next to each other within about 10 seconds in an adjacent field. Who says the HMR is too noisy
  21. Be sure to let us know, it looks a decent little scope
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