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Everything posted by Elliott

  1. Top man, looks like you're well kitted out
  2. Looks spot on that Cedric. I looked at the semi autos before getting my 452. Out of curiosity where abouts in Lancashire are you, anywhere near me?
  3. Glad you got it sorted! That's a great group for a semi auto. What was the range, 50 yards?
  4. Shot some groups at 100 yards with the Remington. There was a 10-15mph breeze and the group was around 2.5" Not that impressed, maybe it was the wind that opened up the group. The stiff trigger certainly doesn't help. Forgot my mod too and was suprised at how quiet the .22 is without any form of sound moderation. Probably quieter than my HMR with the SAK mod on! More ammo testing needed I think
  5. I'm chuffed they seem to work well. How much do you pay for Remingtons?
  6. No worries pal, always worth a try just in case. I will try some other ammo on the off chance I find some that's better. Pretty happy with the little .22 If it keeps impressing me I can see mself popping the 1517 in the sales section
  7. ye of little faith cheap and cheerful does not always mean there crap
  8. Well, I through 100 rounds downrange at 50 yards today The Remingtons seem considerably better than the Winchesters creating a group slightly bigger than a 5p compared the the 1" group of the Winchesters. A few pulled shots due to the trigger. Certainly could do with a trigger kit or weaker spring so that's next on the list. All in all I'm pretty impressed. Having a walk over the fields tonight to see how it performs. Really need to get to grips with calibrating mil dots again
  9. I picked 100 Winchesters up this morning. In hindsight I should have gone for 50 Winchesters and 50 Eley but I was that taken aback by how much cheaper they were than HMR rounds I said I'd have two boxes! Dropping my daughter off at her gran's this aft, should be out by 3pm. Thinking of giving the barrel a good clean out before I use it
  10. Sounds good, I'll pick some up tomorrow. How much are they?
  11. Which Winchesters do you use, the Super X? Looks like there's a few different types. What's the general consensus on optimum zero range, 50 yards?
  12. Back home, removed the stock, oily rag over the metal parts and the stock. Scoped up with my Hawke Frontier 3-9x40 and pinched the bipod and SAK mod off my HMR ready for testing tomorrow. Pretty happy for £150 inc. ammo. Lets hope it shoots well
  13. Thanks chaps. I pick it up on Friday. Looking forward to trying it out on the golf course, should be a fair bit quieter than my HMR. It's a private sale so hopefully the ammo is well suited to the rifle. Hopefully the current owner has done all the testing for me
  14. Will do On a serious note, the ricochets are one of the things that has always put me off the .22LR
  15. Thanks chaps, seems cheap enough. Looking forward to it
  16. Thanks. I've arrange to collect it next week. Agreed £150 for the rifle and 300 rounds of ammo. Anything I need to look out for? How much are the trigger kits?
  17. Right chaps, I'm on the verge of buying a secondhand CZ452 in .22LR to have some fun with and help with vermin control. I already have a HMR but fancy trying a .22 to see why some prefer them over the HMR. Obviously, with subsonic ammo they are much quieter than the HMR and at half the energy have a more pronounced trajectory (which is half the fun) but what sort of groups should I expect to achieve and what would you say was the maximum, practical range for vermin control. Sub yards?
  18. I'd go for one of these, much prefer the look of them over the heavier 455
  19. http://www.federalpremium.com/products/rifle.aspx Example from Federal site! Select the ammo you want by checking the ammo box, (for example .204 32g V-Shok and .243 55g V-Shok) then hit compare, then scroll down to wind drift! Cheers Deker Looks like the .243 trumps it. Looks like a very versatile little calibre the .243, lots of loading options available. At least on the Federal site anyway
  20. Similar, but the .204 40gr V-MAX pips it by 1.6 inches at 500 yards Not much in it to be fair. I wonder which is the cheaper to reload? This is the debate I'll have with myself when I come to move onto centrefire Anyone know which calibre, .204 or .243 is better in the wind?
  21. Similar, but the .204 40gr V-MAX pips it by 1.6 inches at 500 yards Not much in it to be fair. I wonder which is the cheaper to reload? This is the debate I'll have with myself when I come to move onto centrefire
  22. Now that Spring has arrived and sunrise is a lot earlier I'm able to get on the Golf Course in the mornings to try and keep on top of the rabbit numbers. The only problem is the golfers also take advantage of the early morning sun, arriving as early as 6.30am! With a very short window of opportunity I took the HMR hoping make the most of the hour. The morning ended with two rabbits, one of which I managed to capture on film. Not as many about as what I thought, although they are breeding - the second rabbit I shot off camera contained six young.
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