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About hunterbow

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  1. Thanks for the advice , tbh I think he's a bit hand shy, I've had him lamping for a few month jus watching and he's very keen , but the problem is he is asociating lamping with playing , so I've stoped taking him ,he's also compleatly ignorant , I shouT and scream his name and he jus does his own thing
  2. I've got a 5 month bull x , and my problem is [bANNED TEXT] were out on a walk and I tell him to come to me he comes so far and starts barking and when I get close he runs away and barks , when in the house hell come straight to me , but when out he takes the p**s and worse when were out lamping he's putting the other dogs off , any ideas ?
  3. Thanks for the advice and the welcome haha, what's the best to feed a yound pup and when would I begin to keep it in the pen ,
  4. how to train him to be obediant and a keen hunter *
  5. hi, im new to this site and new to the dog scene , im more of a fishing a shooting man myself , however in the past few months ive had a strong urge to build a pen and buy a bull greyhound pup \, im just after some advice on the best ways to train and reward it after a night of coarsing legaly ovcorse all advice aprreciated thank you
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