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Everything posted by charraff

  1. No we want be at man a war show this year ...i never got the dogs to the beach last year, hope to get them to the beach this year, better than any racing or showing... o thats a pitty u wont b at are show this year as ur dogs done very wel at it last year and its all for chairty for a very good cause but if the beach soons better than givin money for deaf children then fair dos.. hope ya have lovely day at the beach
  2. orte kk soz hope to c yas all at man a war show this year 2 give ur views lol
  3. yea dats k sur send me them detials and we wil get sumting sortd
  4. i have whippet pups 9 weeks old out of good lines both parents are workin and retrievin to hand,also good at lure racing and is always placed.. pm me if ur intersted
  5. hi i do have permission and the ground for this lamping dirtydogz but just never got every1 names ect to gt it sortd.. people was sayin they would b intersted then never send there name and num so i could get bk to them.. to sort ot nites and times its al bout gtin the dogs ot show what they cn do and for the crack
  6. i no wt u mean wre gna look into it and desided closer 2 the time.. thanks
  7. its 2 mile otside keady on the castleblaney rd.. [bANNED TEXT] across from clay lake.. it wil be wel sign posted on the day.. as for strong dogs we mite have classes for them we havent yet desided wil repost closer 2 the time
  8. hi we ran a very succesful show last year for charity and have set a date for this year which will be the 21st july all the usual classes will be held. showing, striaght racing and ring side parking.. hope to see yas all der
  9. brill day at ur show dessie very well done and fairplay 2 u.. happy christmas
  10. what in bandito country , fu*k that thats it to many fuel gangs around that part of the country have you got there permission carraff yes i do have permission thanks for the concern anyway
  11. what in bandito country , fu*k that its bout goin ot and lampin ur dogs and showin wt they can do.. al bita crack.. sudnt matter wre its takin place!!!
  12. yes dis is the way wre tryin to plan it so then it cn b dne fair and every1 wont b goin to the same place on the same nte dat defo wudnt wrk lol thanks hope u cn make it when we gt the date set and r heads round it lol
  13. hi leanne pt this up for me so as she said dnt shoot the messager lol.. it was jst a thought 2 hav bita crack wit people who wrk der dogs and 2 cum ot show wt they cn do. . bt defo cudnt hav 30 people ot lampin so it wud havda b over a few ntes.. every suggestion is brill 2 no then we cn wrk on it.. thanks
  14. wel dne nigel and ian show was 1st klass.. wel dne 2 all winners.. race and show..
  15. best of luck wit the show.. we no hw hard it is.. hope everyting runs smoothly.. c yas der
  16. lurcher,whippet and terrier show 23rd july castleblaney rd keady co armagh field across from clay lake racing starts at 12 sharp and showing will follow top prizes to be won with kind sponers from red mills and albert titterington all proceeds go to chairty NDCS hope to see every1 there any question ring 07857330257 or 07731526846
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