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Everything posted by LJD_93

  1. Hoping to get a vitara cause hot cheap insurance for me (£2300) but what do you people think about them dont care about petral just reliabity and getting round shoot in snow and mud
  2. look i know what i saw a white head, neck, and tail; and yellow feet and beak. had no one with it
  3. Just up the field is eagle hights where they keep them and fly them it was a bald eagle
  4. and it was i bald eagle to if u want to go into identifcation
  5. it was a eagle cause i was next to eagle hights and been shooting since i was 7 so know the different between a eagle , hawk , kestral and a buzzard .
  6. just been shooting finished up and lined out everthink i shot then a eagle comes down lands on my decoy and then flys right next to me and nick one of my pigeons good day shooting though 12 woodies and 8 ferals for 26 shots then ran out of cartriges was out for a hour
  7. FFsS this place only gets better ok worded that one wrong on my phone i was not shooting them due to not knowing but im sure i read up on it being legal but not sure. and tbh i know alot of people who do without knowing but been shooting for like 10 years so only shoot stuff that is legal befor you bring that one down on me
  8. Out decoying at the moment and had a gul fly over me i know they where banned last year but had hard time with it But did the genral licence change this year
  9. The young rabbits taste better than the bigger one just not as much meat and that young one will make loads more of them so if you dping pest control there as bad as the bigger ones
  10. if your doing clay shooting your want a over and under due to they are safer to start off with and people dont like semi at clay shooting ive had o/u / side by side and got a semi and a pump. semi are great to have you get the extra shot that come in handy rough shooting and pigeon shooting and easy to use the only down side is you have to clean regually or it will start jamming up. there not many places with cheap o/u but you pay for what you get but with semi ive got a hatocs ecort that are dead cheap got for £350 and best gun ive hadbut alway a chance of a jam in semi then you have pump act
  11. can get a jimney for about 1500 but hopeing to spend like 1000 on one that is a little beat up but still works well do you know anywhere that sell them cheers luke
  12. In northfleet and shooting in aynesford up eagel hights and got no one to go with just like helping out people like i got when i was young
  13. hi just joined forum and look like one of the best forums for shooting i have seen im 18 working at a clay shoot at the moment and looking for a job in game keeping done a two year course on game keeping and redy to work got 800 akors of permission shoot on got 3 shotguns and a air rifle and loving shooting life shot since i was around 8 so getting good at it but still room for improvement
  14. hey im 18 looking for someone round my age group to do a bit of shooting with shooting on the lands ok at the moment have around 800 akors to shoot on got a shotgun for the pigeons and air rifle for the rabbits not to many pigeons around but a few rabbits that i shoot with from car. willing to pick someone up from around my area or a meeting place know how hard it is to get land when your young so offering a chance for someone to come out and do a bit of shooting. shooting might not be grate at the moment but if i like you ill take you out when the decoying get good.
  15. I know this is a long shot but is there anyone who need a full time or part time keeper i have done about 6 years experience at 3 different game shoots one being a 15,000 bird duck estate also had pheasants and English and red leg partridges done a 2 year course on gamekeeping and got a Nathanael diploma in game management and willing to do long hours. also im hard working also got full uk driving licence , shotgun licence and quad ticket also will hopefully have a firearms licence to. im 18 and from kent but willing to work anywhere as long as i can find accommodation in the area cheers L
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