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Everything posted by HarryWatson

  1. the white one is a bitch out of nuttall and the cream one is out of the sister to jj the forly cup winner if you go to working dog section look under harry watson album you see some better ones cheers
  2. what is it invisible ink yes i seen 1 and two realy enjoyed them that is if they same ones
  3. i am fed up with people saying my pup not grow i tell them straight it wont grow till you change it diet they think they can go and by a tin of dog food and give half in the morning and half at night i tell them that tin dog food is crap it contains about 90 .percent water and the rest is called meat i tell to go and buy a sack of beta puppy with about 29 percent proteen and give puppy 5 meals a day little but often but they dont take any notice no wonder they wont grow so let them get on with it thanks
  4. than a lot mate that been a great help thanks again
  5. i would like a bit of advice from you courseing lads as you know i have awhite bitch out of benji i line her to my cream dog out of benji as you can see they are same farther but diffrent mothers some one said put your white bitch back to benji her farther they say you get better pups that way but i thought that they would to closely related thanks
  6. it could be a touch of gastro if he of he grub and got the runs starve him for 12 hours then put him on a diet boiled fish and boiled rice little but often make sure he gets plenty of water for a couple day good luck mate no he's eating like ahorse still and nice solid stools. just noticed it when messing about with him playing, if you try and pick his back end up of the ground he whines, or if you touch him firmly around there am glad it not what i said if hes eating and drinking and his stools are hard it could be pulled muscle let him rest 2 or 3 days see how he goes dont let h
  7. it could be a touch of gastro if he of he grub and got the runs starve him for 12 hours then put him on a diet boiled fish and boiled rice little but often make sure he gets plenty of water for a couple day good luck mate
  8. they are verey good for a dog that had a hard days couresing or lamping i am never whith out them do not give them all the time only when they had hards work good luck
  9. my dog did once he chased a couple of early morning hares when it was cool butt it started to get warm so we let him have his last run at adiffent place we slip the dog not nowing the land was over run with hares he just chsed hare after hare whenwe got him back his hole body just shut down it lasted about 20 sec then the police came give them there jew they escorted us to the nearest vets the vet said they would keep him in over night put him on drip i said i take him home call at the chemist got some glucouse i give him some every couple of hours couple of days later right as rain isave a f
  10. thanks alot bud i put a lot of work into the dogs and garden you can see my dogs out of benji on working dogs or on the same page anyway thanks again
  11. a fine pair,look in good condition they shoud be the time i put into them thanks any way
  12. this is my shed and dog run all hand built 20years old it gets a coat of cresote everyear and still looks like new
  13. i will do but they only take certain go to my album in working dogs and you will see real good photes and let me know what you think like i said i am trying to get to know my way round this laptop
  14. having day out on a cold winters morning dogs love it i didnt f*****g had to dig the van out when igot back to it
  15. finaly i managed to get a few photoes of my two dogs out of benji
  16. going to try put a few photoes up out of benji see what you think
  17. any one running bogs out of benji i have to my self and icannot fault them ibeen trying to put some photoes up but still carnt do it but imanange to get them up on the working dogs secion
  18. can any one tell me how to get some pitchers of my two i managed to get them up on the working dog section
  19. any good remerdies for dog ticks
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