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Everything posted by minion

  1. Shes a craker. Real nice looking dog. She looks very similar to my last lurcher. She was 3/4 grey 1/4 bordercollie withe very similar markings to yours,
  2. Does anyone work, or has anyone seen one work hare? Are they fast enough for hare? or better suited to rabits? I dont mean a 1/2 cross x 3/4 cross, i mean produced by crossing a 3/4 collie 1/4 grey x a pure grey - the only way as far as i know to get guaranteed 3/8 collie 5/8 greyphound? cheeers PS does anyone have one bred the other way - half cross to 3/4? would be intresting to see if someone had bred a litter and kept tabs on all the pups to see if they turned out a level litter?
  3. For what its worth I think the pups will be fine. Wont be easy to train 2 pups at th same time but good luck to you. If you put th effort in you will get there bud. It can be frustrating at times but I just tell myself the pup will get there!!
  4. You are 100% spot on!!!! The thing that really gets me is that the sentances are compleatly unproportional to the crimes in this country. You get a larger fine for hunting hare than if you are a junkie mugging to support a habbit!!! In Edinburgh a few weeks back a 17 year old was given 200 hours comunity service for threatening someone with a knife!!! held the knife to someone and go comunity service!!! f*****g PATHETIC!!!!! We need to get rid of the ilegal imagrants, junkies and wasters and leave the country life alone. The law is a complete and utter scandal. whos voting
  5. It is sad. The thing is there are loads of geuine guys and gals on here who contribute to a fantastic forum but not a day goes by without some fool making a complet fool out of themselves. The best thing i feel is to totally ignore them. hopefully they will get bored and go somewhere else. If you rise to the bait they will keep fishing.
  6. Is it just me or is there more and more tits posting rubbish to cause trouble? I dont mean arguements over threads, thats part of what a forum should be but people trying to cause trouble is pretty sad in my book. I think somepeople need to get a life.
  7. Cracking looking dogs bud. What do(did)they see quarry wisw?
  8. You are 100% spot on!!!! The thing that really gets me is that the sentances are compleatly unproportional to the crimes in this country. You get a larger fine for hunting hare than if you are a junkie mugging to support a habbit!!! In Edinburgh a few weeks back a 17 year old was given 200 hours comunity service for threatening someone with a knife!!! held the knife to someone and go comunity service!!! f*****g PATHETIC!!!!! We need to get rid of the ilegal imagrants, junkies and wasters and leave the country life alone. The law is a complete and utter scandal.
  9. If you forget about the dogs the sum gives you 9/16 bull 7/16 grey but I believe genetics dont work out like that when breeding dogs. You would not get an even litter of 9/16 7/16 as far as I know.
  10. My pup is 11 months now and she sleeps indoors. however I take her to the office every day and she has a kennel and tun out in the yard. toilet training tooklonger than normal but I thik its about getting them into a rotuine. make sure the get out firstthing in the morning and see how long they take after they feed to go to the toilet. you can then let them out at roughly the same time. do you have a cage? if not i would get one. my pup very rarely did the toilet in the cage. i just let her out first thing in the morning and she started to get her own rotuine. best of luck anyway
  11. World.Hunters on the site has a 3/4 bread collie grey and as far as i know his dog is turning out great. Dont think he'd swap him for a half cross.
  12. My last lurcher was a 3/4 Greyhound 1/4 border collie and I found it a very good cross. I have always liked collie lurchers and the 3/4 is more of an all round dog. Fast enough for hare, large enough for deer and fox and good on rabbits. Reasonably easy to train. I hope to have another some day once I have more space.
  13. Great pictures. I've never been on a hunt like that but I really love seeing them. last year at Christmas time my wife and I were taking a backroad back from Peebles and when we came round the corner there were a pack of hounds and about twelve horses. I sat and watched them for bit and the atmosphere was great. Thats what its all about. Being outdoors doing something you love!!
  14. Hey Luke, Finaly got the pics up for you. Ive had her out twice. First time she was really bad at comming back. Second time she was the same. Been working on her recall and she is great but as soon as she was on a rabbit she totally ignored me. Even after the chase she heard me, looked at me and ttally blanked me. Very frustrating. I am going to keep at it but to be honest im not sure what to do. She is very well trained. will sit in the middle of the footbal pitch till i call her. She comes straight to hand but not if she smells a rabbit. Any adveice would be appreciated. your
  15. What do you expect from you dog? I dont expect field trial standards but do expect a dog to sit, wait, lie, and come straight back when called. Now the first three are easy the last can be tricky depending on the dog. Retrieving is nice, as is hand signals but I can live without them. So what do you expect and what do you have. Be honest, how well tained are your dogs? Do they ever "do their own thing"or are the so wll trained that they always 100% under control? Should be intresting thread if everyone is honest. Lets hope eveyone takes part. cheers minion
  16. Hey Luke, Finaly got the pics up for you. Ive had her out twice. First time she was really bad at comming back. Second time she was the same. Been working on her recall and she is great but as soon as she was on a rabbit she totally ignored me. Even after the chase she heard me, looked at me and ttally blanked me. Very frustrating. I am going to keep at it but to be honest im not sure what to do. She is very well trained. will sit in the middle of the footbal pitch till i call her. She comes straight to hand but not if she smells a rabbit. Any adveice would be appreciated. your
  17. How difficult would you say the mountian hare is to catch? Compared to the Brown hare and rabbit? All on their own land? Alos, just out of curiousity, have you ever seen a h=hwippet working nountian hare? If not how do you think they would be?
  18. Looks like a powerhouse of a dog. What is it?
  19. Mostly Laguna. The Laguna dogs in her Pedegree are as follows Laguna lively lad (Grand sire) Liltine laird of Laguna (gt grand sire) Laguna liberty Lace (gt grand dam) Laguna lively lilt (gt gt grand sire) Laguna ligette (gt gt grand dam) Laguna leader ( gt gt gt grand sire) Lagun lynette ( gt gt gt grand dam) Laguna leader (gt gt gt grand sire) Laguna black lupind ( gt gt gt grand dam) Black lineal of laguna (gt gt gt grand dam) Also has sooty sam as a gt gt gt grand sire My dogs dam has the following Laguna dogs in her pedigree Lagun lizas link (gt gt grand sire) L
  20. Great pics. Ratting is fantastic! Great sport and your dogs look in top notch condition.
  21. I had a problem with one of our dogs when we were growing up. Pepe was a mongral pet that I used to take everywhere with me. She was half border collie 1/2 complete mixture but very easy to train. I used to take her ferreting and she turned into a great marking dog. Not fast enough to catch rabbits n th eopen though. Anyway. One day I was walking her through a local short cut and there is a really thin path. She slipped and fll into the pond and got a real fright. She got out but wouldn't walk along the path at all. She was really scared. I had to carry her across. I put her lead on he
  22. Both dogs in the pics look fantastic, a real credit to you bud.
  23. Thanks. Yea 11 months is still very young. Im sue she will be fine. I've just bought whistle and am going to try her with that puerly on recall. No matter how she turns out she will have a home for life! She is a family pet firs and a worikng dog second. I am going to work hard at the recall over the christmas holidays. how are your whippets for recall? can you call them off a rabbit or can you call them straigt back if they miss it? My last dog was a lurcher. 1/4 border collie 3/4 greyhound and she would come straight to hand as soon as I called her. I am finding it
  24. Great. My mother has a 1991 model, done enough miles to go to the moon and back, pretty good off road on slipery stuff, and for those of you who know the Horseshoe Pass in Llangollen, when that gets closed due to snow, its the only car that can get up there, even beats a Defender and Series 3! The old girl wouldn't part with it for all the gin in Plymouth! cheers bud. I have a decent car for the family but want something I dont need to worry about if the dogs are really muddy etc. Thought about a fourtrack or something but i will only be in muddy fields and dont nee
  25. minion

    plumber terriers

    Who bred the pup bud? Where did you meet Brian about?
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