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Everything posted by courseadog

  1. this is my turkish almost identical ,imported this 1 is
  2. this is my imported hint ,belgium
  3. cheers mate will get there in the end
  4. let me know if you can see pls this is oxford red/blue dun
  5. just a few to see if i can post pics [/img]
  6. Ok thanks mate will give it a go tomorrow
  7. I have probs with posting pics , done it befor but can't seem to do it again ,me pics r took on a fone and up loaded to me gmail account from there I'm fukt ,help needed Idon't belong in this a century lol
  8. Nice short beak ,nice bird that mate
  9. Lol u know what I'm on about milky pink mate
  10. Similar to my hint and mine is in the malt aswell will get some pics up 4 u asap
  11. Not saying he ain't mostly kulung but pure should have pink legs and beak he looks to have yellowish
  12. Did cross my mind about it being knocked of to ,they will never grow back
  13. Kulung should have white / pink legs and beak Still nice. Bird
  14. Strange about the spur ,it could b late developing which could also indicate ,foreign blood
  15. Ok probly the case but there is more to that bird then just oxford
  16. I have to say there is some foreign blood in him pos shamo ,yellow legs with red in ,also the cone has been dubd but if u look closely it ain't smoth more like the walnut look of foreign blood
  17. It was always religion that kept people at bay now they do it by debt mortgages and the media
  18. Post edited, i have warned you for discussing illegal activities, try not to be a plumb or you will be removed.......simo
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