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Everything posted by courseadog

  1. Well lads got sorted 1 had collar tight and other was zip tied Gess it's the Jill's as said when I used hobs Dint have this issue Could be me being a twat Got some ferreting done anyway Caught 5 so worth the aggro
  2. yes mate will try everything tomorrow but think I will go with harness As tried the holes and it is a case of I know when it's Too tight Got a nice chalk pit to ferret tomorrow so will sort it
  3. i did consider that yesterday but dint try Interesting
  4. No mate as said before I have tried more holes Both the Jill's slip out I even left it on one only to find it in there Cage When I used hobs I dint have a problem I made a hole between the 3rd and second tightes yesterday Anyway should be out tomorrow may just try zip tie Or fashion a harness Cheers lads for the help
  5. Lol got 1 that I would say is a fat f**k but the other not And it's leather 1
  6. The collars are the 1 bought with locator And the ferrets are good as gold tbh don't move About and very tame
  7. Tried the holes still the same The zip tie will be cut so can't be pulled
  8. Just seem to be struggling with getting it to Stay on head of Jill's Never had problem when I used my hobs It's Eva to tight or lose and was lucky not to lose 1 Yesterday Basically I'm thinking of using s zip tie Has anyone done it before
  9. youve seen some easy chinkies then ,,, cause once this time of yr comes they can go ,,, september , the lads i know leave em as some are proper young They've always got young on the ground. You would just pick your runs. When you say I've seen some easy ones, do you mean slow or hard fighting? I never said they were slow, but they ain't got the pace of the bigger stuff, they can just turn a lot better. They haven't got any fight in them, I don't know what dogs the lads you know have got but if they're struggling with Chinkys then they ain't up to the job. Have you ever seen them yourself
  10. Well kc that falcons getting some good action pal It does well
  11. Well it's a lotery One of my dogs is 1/2whippetx 3/4 colie grey He has thrown the colie cote and colour but has the Stamp of the sire strike while the irons hot The breeding makes him only 1/8 colie but has Markings and is a merle
  12. Depends on what it will be used for Rabbits both will do Or if u r gona retrieve some thing a bit hevyer
  13. It's been f*****g water logged since summer Hard going for the dogs New world order is to blame with chemtrails and haarp
  14. Can't knock a whippet in the right hands great little dogs Low maintinaces with explosive power Big difference in the working lines this is what u want if u get 1 But the lurcher has it in the bag you can breed in what you like But can't go wrong with some whippet in there
  15. I would wait a bit more But you want a kill this season Trouble is when he's ready there will be no easy rabbits left
  16. f*****g hell that's draconian It was like that here in the Middle Ages That's who the lurcher was produced It was said that only aristocracy could own a Site hound Who the f**k do these fascist think they are
  17. The thing is these dogs ain't been seen much here just read about Can't see the point of it now but preban may have been handy as A 1/4 for foxing
  18. got mine from eBay mate no probs with safety it was recommended 600 mm of floor
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