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Everything posted by obi2

  1. Couple of weeks ago he came out one morning lame. Gave him rest and he was putting weight on it in a couple of days. Walking normal after a week. Week he was walking by my aid in a field and all of a sudden let out a huge cry and holding the leg up. Hasn't put weight on it since. Been to vet and they are going to X-ray it and find out but the think it's the cruciate. Fingers crossed
  2. One of my dogs have done some damage to its cruciate ligament we think. X ray on Tuesday. Anyone got any reassuring tales of there dogs doing there's and making ful recovery?
  3. Hare coursing, 1 dog per hare. We used to travel miles for good runs but just not worth it now. Then it would be daytime foxes hunting them up on cover and getting some good chases. I liked the odd run at a deer but would take a fox or hare over them. Wasnt overly fussed with deer. Glad rabbits are still legal as a good night on the lamp at them is hard to beat.
  4. i read something that said they werent getting involved in it.
  5. even a coupe of hours mate, just to get my young terrier pup started.Ok mate, will work on it.Atb cheers bud, I will get you sorted for days out on my permission in return
  6. HAW YOU!!! get your own thread lol
  7. even a coupe of hours mate, just to get my young terrier pup started.
  8. Cmon people, help a brother out!!!
  9. I'm desparate are to get my terrier pup at them but nothing coming up mate.
  10. Can anyone help me out to tag along to a morning ratting. Iv got extensive permission for lurcher and terrier work to return the favour and take you out with. Got everything on my permission except bloody rats lol. Cheers guys
  11. Who all gives there running dog brown bread. I'm usually do but iv just heard dogs can't digest it proparly and don't need carbs. Anyone know anything on this?
  12. whathe do you buy mate, got family going in a couple of weeks so ill get them to stock up.
  13. I actually had tears running down my face reading that hahaha Must have been the way I read it lol!!
  14. £54 total for the 2 jags at my vets ??
  15. my thoughts as well. Haven't seen a beddy cross that wasn't 100% committed to what it was after regardless of its size. Can't say the same for collie crosses. Not knocking collie crosses as there a favorite of mine.
  16. exactly mate, as I said there were a lot of issues and a few that I haven't mentioned as I don't want to get into it as it's not what the thread is about. Iv also took in dogs that guys haven't gelled and they can't find that bond And they have served me well. The dog found a new owner who I have kept in touch with and the last time I spoke to him 3 weeks ago he told me he wouldn't sell it for love nor money and its putting the game away for him. Everyone's happy (apart from THLPCA) lol
  17. I heard yours were usless anyway so I wouldn't have took one but thanks all the same
  18. not all the time, what is it with all the experts on here? The dog didn't do it for me in more ways than 1. I Broughthe the dog up for 10 month and I know what I was about. It wasn't for me end of!
  19. All that time and you didn't sort out the problems?sorry cesar milan, I should have gave you a shout.
  20. A lot of people are going to say that but unless you were out with the dog in the field then no one knows what there talking about except the people that were there. It wasn't for me end off. I found it a home where it would be more suited to And for a lot less than I payed for it.
  21. 11 n half month. And before the experts jump in and tell me I never gave it a chance. Iv had dogs a long time and unless you seen the dog and what it was all about then there's no point in telling me I never gave it a chance. Whining in kennel constant, pissing in jeep and bed, torturing the life out of the terriers at every chance. Just a pain in the arse.
  22. I know mate, a lot of time put in and wasted now I need to go through the same again. ?
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