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old timer123

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Everything posted by old timer123

  1. theres some fukcing bad advice on here no wonder the dog games fukced.....
  2. yes mate my tip is jab at 6 weeks old again at 1o weeks old an then at 14 weeks old an always give first jab before it leaves its mother this method has never failed me atb o t
  3. bad idea putting food down feller ???
  4. Just seen the book on ebay not meny bids on it and might go cheap.Ive got the modern ferreting book but its got r------ libairy stamp in it lol. you get half your books same place as me ha ha lol
  5. cheers poacher all as thort modern ferreting was his first lol learn summert new every day... got rogues an running dogs looks a though he typed thjat up him self lol state of the text an that lol.... cheers
  6. no mate i aint got that one mines its training an entering.... that malcolm haddock on front poacher ?
  7. cut his beard off we a rusty bread knife an send the c**t back
  8. 2 days lol takes mine less then an hour me dustbin dog lol lol
  9. ye got that its got livers number write in it by some c**t though lol lol
  10. buy it now on ebay 26 notes .. amazon from 15 upto 93 quid .. just had a look .. 25 seems the average price bit more signed i guess not worth selling yet ;lol
  11. got the same signed ad like to know aswell pal ??
  12. bring back the good old rabbit to the british menu.... not bad after a good soak in salt water....
  13. stevo yer a man after me own heart
  14. some company owt to start an make em bellman are wankers pure an simple
  15. can only be a good thing lol
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