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Everything posted by steve209

  1. I didn't go back on the same day to get my camera, I'm out in that area nearly every day, in fact i've just got back from there .. The bitch with the blood on her face had then killed the fox in the top picture that i was trying to avoid with the dogs......but if you know anything about dogs, you will know that once they've got the sent of one in the area, (if the winds in the write direction of course) their off!!! it took me 15 minutes to get the bitch back, and when she did return I knew what she'd had from the direction she came from........ before you ask, how did i no it was that fo
  2. I'm looking to buy a 25 yard 6z quick set long net with basket Must be 100% bagging with ready rigged poles. If you no anybody that makes them or are selling one drop me a pm with a price. atb. Steve.
  3. This hutch is a heavy one and will need a couple of people to move it. It is nearly 10 foot in length so you'll need a trailer as well It'll need a good clean and a lick of paint but other than that its a sturdy hutch. Pick up from Blairgowrie. Email me at taysideferretrescue@yahoo.co.uk This is advertised on freecycle and other forums.
  4. Ah the joys of owning a little carpet shark Flicking the ferret on the nose will only encourage it to get weary of your hands and end up hand shy! It will only associate hands with pain! Give it a loud hiss,if he doesn't let go with that method,scruff it. he'll soon stop the biting,it's a kit thing.
  5. If you don't do it the you'll lose your Permission and the farmer will just end up giving it to somebody else. Pest control doesn't have a season. Well done and a few for the freezer.
  6. Looking for a working decent grinder/mincer.
  7. I'm in Blairgowrie mate,but if your serious about buying it, I'll get a post & package price from the post office for you.
  8. Tescos sell the tuna in spring water as well.
  9. Well done mate. You can never have too many permissions.
  10. Nothing like a spot of dead ferret syndrome to get the heart pumping
  11. Ferrets poop is normally loser with the raw food anyway but I wouldn't see why raw horse meat would give them the trots (no pun intended) Try them on a small portion first and see how they go.
  12. http://jesknives.co.uk/choose.html Try the link above,all good quality made stuff, I have the snipe and wouldn't use any other now. Well worth the investment. Good luck with what ever you choose.
  13. Plenty of raw meat,bones,feathers,fur the lot. Stay away from tinned dog/cat food. If you want to give them something extra buy a bag of kibble. That'll keep them going.
  14. If it was me mate, I would wait until you've had the kits a little longer and get to know their habits and behaviour,I would also wait until they are little bit older,kits are little carpet sharks at that age and a nip from them could put your daughter off them for life! Stick to handling them yourself until they are used to you. Then see how you go with introducing them to your daughter.
  15. This stove is in perfect working order and has only been used 3 or 4 times. It runs on unleaded petrol and comes with original filling funnel. £35 pm me here for pictures and details of pick up
  16. It also has egg in it, so use it sparingly. Ferretvite is a better product,although it is quite hard to get in the UK!Check out the companions choice website for it,they sometimes have it in.
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