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About Spence75

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter

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  • Interests
    Bog snorkelling, turnip tasting, eating pot noodles.

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  1. Total rubbish,a bushing terrier will bush to the standard its been educated to,let them get out of control and any terrier will bush to its own devices,away and out of sight and sound.Educate and train them to bush to the owners command and the "bush" is under control.Ive found Bedlingtons to be more responsive to control and command than many a terrier ive owned.Ive put 1 bedlington into a pet home because it was ignorant to command,possibly my fault as i did not have the expertise to educate and train it better.Id expect any bushing terrier to enter,a terrier that did not enter id not be hap
  2. Yes that can be used for bushing, but if they get there nose down they'll be gone and go deaf as f@@k on recall, plus take a shovel just in case.
  3. http://basc.org.uk/airgunning/advice/basc-air-rifle-code-of-practice/ The link above should help.
  4. Ive seen feral pigeons landing in tree's and fielding with woodies, I also race pigeons.
  5. looks well. Has it seen anything?She's not a fan of the dark, so only use her for ratting and bushing.
  6. Spence75

    The Bible

    My mates misses went to Magaluf a virgin and came back pregnant and said she didn't do anything so it can happen King.
  7. Snap his fingers and shove them up his back end see if he likes that.
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