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Everything posted by Bassy

  1. Hi pH test done no crystals found.
  2. Jack Russell has this again, had it twice now. Been to vets , not got kidney stones.no lumps found.on antibiotics. Any natural way of getting rid instead of vets charging big costs. Any help would be great.
  3. Was out with the jacks today meet a man with lurcher lovely looking dog. He told me it was 3/4 greyhound 1/4 bearded collie. He told me it was bred by Hancock? Had tattoo in dogs ear.
  4. Thank. You for replys, will buy a box did not think of it.
  5. I got 2 lovely jacks, brother and sister. Love to mooch about with them, only bloody problem is both don't travel good in car. Both be sick or dribble the car to death. No country near me so need to travel, any body got any solutions? Have tried early mornings no food in belly, car seat soaked in dribble. Not good for car or dog.
  6. H you got trousers and jacket? need to see picture of both, I buy, let me no, yours matt.
  7. Got 2 jrt, any advice as they both be sick in the car on short journeys.
  8. How's best to get rid please, have fed chicken + rice today, hope it helps.
  9. All I can say. Is gamekeeper pocket roccket 3! One hell of a catapult,double theraband gold.
  10. Hi if you are close to Reading, vicars in west street, Reading sell rabbits in skin, hares, pheasants, wild boar, ect, when in season, rabbits all year round.
  11. If I would of caught that stoat, would of had him 4 a pet. I no a guy that breeds them, sells the pups for £60 each, & he got a waiting list!
  12. I use advocate now, used to use drontal, advocate bloody good, kills every thing. Will use it again.
  13. Hi would love to see some pics of a live weasel, are they that small? Never ever seen 1. My mate used to have 1 as a pet, he told me it was tiny, would love to see a real 1 in it's flesh.
  14. I had a sfaff with exactly the same systoms, could not even stand up, when he tried to he collasped under his own weight. He had picked up a virus, rushed him to vets, dog very dehydrated, was told if I left him over nite, he would of been dead in morning. Dog would not even eat chicken. 2 years ago, cost me £76 , he had injection was given tablets to fight infection. Also got some fluids in to dog. With in 3 days right as rain, back to his old self. Vets asap if you think any thing of the dog. Hope all goes well.
  15. Hi gamekeeper john am after 1 of your catapults, pm me please, cash waiting.
  16. Thank u mudd dog, phoned the vet up, was told to let nature take it's course, only to reuse advocate when the month is over. Yes you can overworm them, thank you mudd dog once again, that's why I like this forum so much, good folk on here, some better educated than myself, always ready to give expert advice, thank you to all concerned. Pups looking a bit better than yesterday, cooked some chicken breast for them tonight, they deserve it what they been throu!
  17. Hi all lovely piece of Reading, advocate is the one I was given by the vets. A quick question for you experts, I worked them both on the 24 yesterday, with good results, when can I worm them again? Don't want to overdo it for sure. As it says on the product I used advocate, it lasts a month. Do I wait the full month before worming again, or sooner???? Both pups pooing up worms, one pup has been sneezing, now I now why, bloody worms coming out of her nose. Seems to have stopped sneezing now, thank god!
  18. Hi thanks for replys, got a pipett off the vet, covers fleas, all worms, it's new on the Market, put it on the skin behind head. Was a bit worried as worms is coming out quite often, better out than in. Thanks to all concerned
  19. Got 2 jrt pups sat just gone, went to vets to have first injection done, worked them today, 5 worms out of 1 pup, 7 roundworm out of the other. Bitch pup is sneezing quite bad? Is this a bad sign, the sneezing? Never had dogs with roundworm before, any advice welcomed
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