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Everything posted by theirishlad

  1. thanks lads for the advise i have another question aswell for ye how much bagging do i need is 100% to much or would i be better off going for 50%
  2. im looking at buying a longnet for night time use only just wondering what is the best net wieght for this work is it 6z or 4z and would i better off getting a quick set or traditional thanks
  3. allways wanted a lurcher then one mornin when my dad and i were out deer stalkin one morning met a lad out with a few hounds got talking some how lurchers came into the convo said he had a 5 month old deerxgrey back to wheatonxgrey said he didn t want the pup and gave it to me his 2 now and doing all game and im after getting 2 more lurchers
  4. i do both . i walk for rabbits and drive after foxes cover more ground and hopefully meet a few more in a nite
  5. where abouts u in cork i don work terriers my self but go out with a local pack of foot hounds for a season and you mite meet a few lads who would be able to help or go to the dog shows
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