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About theirishlad

  • Rank
    Born Hunter
  1. some pothead carryng out some religious cult maybe
  2. nah the fields don t affect my choice of dog as i run da dog that suits my quarry . BTW the fields arent that small
  3. Did you direct him to the shock wire? should have teach him not to piss when teres more important things to be watching
  4. waqs oit with a lad one and caliing a fox when your man decides to go for a piss
  5. i had that problem on my permission 8 lads goin out with lurchers and terriers everywhere and when the farmer told them to get off his land they laughed in his face and kept goin and then i got the blame for bringing them round becouse im the only person around with lurchers and terriers
  6. thought about it but using setters something to try
  7. is there any clubs goin in north cork at the moment interested in joining 1
  8. there during the winter i heard it was a gang from limerick and the gaurds wouldn t go near them what hope have we if the law in this country are afraid of criminals and they harash genuine people
  9. alri lads let me no if u have anyother thing ye want changed for next year
  10. Last season i hear that a hunt over was willing to pay 1500 euro for 1 good working terrier
  11. all i know is there is hound , terrier and lurcher classes and i think racing not to sure on the racing
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