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Everything posted by frankel

  1. Caught me out there jukel haha there was a trio of brothers ???
  2. Done much with it? yeah 3 from 3 in the day ??
  3. A lot of places I go where under water from the floods so loads of rabbits I go for will have been flooded out.
  4. My mate has a bitch identical to that. Smart animal
  5. haha that's fenn, was out with that bitch today. Had a cracking hunt
  6. Blackdog that top pic is class
  7. This is one of my fav pics too, but nothing to do with dogs obviously....
  8. I use a bridge camera, no lenses or anything. Cost me quid, I get plenty good pics with that.
  9. My fav pic Also like this one
  10. The other ones are a great read I am looking forward to the next one
  11. Thanks, it was taken at first light last weekend.
  12. Couple more pics from today's hike in the fells. Was a good walk with some amazing views
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