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Everything posted by kevmag

  1. This youtube video is a slidshow on the basic knob handle, i know its not very good but its a help - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xeBBZytdt-4
  2. Blackthorn would be the best looking of all the shillelagh sticks from oak,holly or whitethorn. Take you time and you will find a blackthorn suitable,
  3. A few days, over one weekwnd i had the bow completed and ready for varnish
  4. I use darcon B-40 but i hope to make some fastflight material as it shouldn't stretch when i'm using it, i have bought a few feathered arrows which have a 60lb spine, i hope to make some arrows after. Yes fastflight is good stuff...and it's tough too. If i were you i would add a small 'something' for the nock to sit against, then you can get consistant arrow flight. Archery is all about consistancy. Like a bead so the arrows sits in the same place ever time, must do that thanks, Yes mate, but it must be crimped tight to stop movement. Glue will only hold it for so long imo...yo
  5. If you take your time its not hard to make, i also used a dvd to get the run of things, Im stil deciding what bow i want, if i was to make a bow it would be some hybrid horsebow, i havent enough knowledge or expertise yet I would start with a cheaper timber also as it you make any mistakes it didn't cost much, i used some ash for my first target longbow which was good as the ash tree had fallen and the tree was almost seasoned,
  6. I use darcon B-40 but i hope to make some fastflight material as it shouldn't stretch when i'm using it, i have bought a few feathered arrows which have a 60lb spine, i hope to make some arrows after. Yes fastflight is good stuff...and it's tough too. If i were you i would add a small 'something' for the nock to sit against, then you can get consistant arrow flight. Archery is all about consistancy. Like a bead so the arrows sits in the same place ever time, must do that thanks,
  7. If you take your time its not hard to make, i also used a dvd to get the run of things,
  8. I use darcon B-40 but i hope to make some fastflight material as it shouldn't stretch when i'm using it, i have bought a few feathered arrows which have a 60lb spine, i hope to make some arrows after.
  9. My first attempt at a english warbow or longbow, i made it from lemon wood for the belly and hickory for the backing. Not sure on draw weight but at 20inch draw length its about 50lb so i would think it should be 70lb - lb at 30inch draw length, so its going to take some practice .
  10. Like the shaft, twisted hazel is hard to find but it looks great.
  11. Weebly.com are very good, very simple to make a website and you have if free if you want, an update is not to expensive either.
  12. Thanks must try it, i don't think to many pheasent are at the feeders yet as i only have it out for a few days but i must keep an eye on it,
  13. I have a few feeders out and i have corn in them for now but we have domestic hens at home and we feed them hen feed that we get from the local farm shop. It a mix feed with a load for different type of feeds. Would this be ok to feed pheasant as it is much cheaper than corn or wheat?
  14. Seen this site selling lights and lasers, seems very cheap but has anyone bought of it before? http://www.easylightbuy.com/
  15. I have snap on filters for a tracer max pro lamp, i never have used them before, Colours Green, Blue, Amber. Would swap for a tracer extenison lead or handle
  16. Thanks for the advice guys, as i only starting i think now is the time to do something, so i might try the left shoulder and see how it goes.
  17. I have starting shotgun shooting a couple of months ago, got myself a small clay trap for practice, I'm right handed and left eye dominant, i can't hit the clays at all when i open both eyes but i can when one is closed, but is it better to get use to both eyes open or just to keep shooting with one eye closed. Thanks for the tips
  18. Great work, like the knife sheath with the fire starter
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