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Everything posted by Dameize

  1. Thanks mate, Ill have to check that out. even 41 is cheap in comparison to the 60 odd i was quoted in spennymoor.
  2. What do you guys think of my ferret hutch, its almost finished just needs painting etc. Do you think it will be a suitable size for 2x ferrets? its a decent size from viewing it in person. cheers. http://www.(!64.56:886/media/set/?set=a.10150331786415130.426343.694485129&l=bbfc355e50 sorry link didnt work, updated.
  3. here is what the vet said about jill jabs. he must be joking. An injection of delvosterone is currently £21.43. This price will have to increase dramatically very soon as the company has just had a change in its datasheet which means that the 20ml bottle will need to be used on the day of opening instead of being able to be used over 28 days as is currently the case. A bottle of Delvosterone will work out at around £85.00 but the cost can be split between doing several ferrets at one time if required. The other alternative is giving a suprelorin implant which works out at £52.73 per
  4. I asked my grandmother for advice on the matter as she used to have about 4 dobermans and lined them up on a few occasions. Basically the advice she gave me was to get a male and a female as the male will protect the female and they will get on better. She also said that if I let them breed next season and manage to sell the kits it will pay for the male to be vasectamised. If you sold 10x kits at say 5 pound each would they go quickly? I know that a csection is a possibility but how much does this cost? it would be a gamble I guess. It would also be nice to end up with a few more
  5. any idea if you can get vasectamised rescue ferrets? might be a good option if I get one next year and keep it as a third.
  6. thanks for the advice, the chip at 55 is fairly cheap compared to what the local vet has told me. they said 65 no matter what.. seems a bit pricy in my opinion.
  7. Thats what im saying, seems a bit pricey. Some of them are just extortinate prices.. Let me know if you get one cheap mate, I would be keen to know for mine.
  8. well, I contacted the local vets and they said 'we charge the same for jills and hobs with the spaying procedure, both are 63.75' this is way more then I expected. I think ill find out the jill jab cost and ask around at other vets. Also, with the whole price thing do you think a rescue ferret @ 25 pound with neutering etc would be the best option? most people ive spoken to say the reason theyre probably abandoned is due to them biting etc but to be honest I know most will be just unfortunate and will of escaped or will of had bad owners.
  9. It will cost you more to feed a litter of 10 possibly more kits than it will to spey one female , you do the maths lol didnt think of that. I know im a noob but im confused about the actual casteration and the versecatmy thing. Can a casterated hob bring a jill out of season or is it varsectamised hob only that can do this?
  10. are kits easy enough to give away? at the moment its looking like I will get a hob and a jill and get a vasectomy on the hob but if the whole kit thing is easy enough to handle I would be tempted to just let them breed.
  11. hm never realised the jabs were so cheap. When exactly is their season typically? Also would hob brothers fight?
  12. I can imagine my mother if she came home and a ferret was running around the house playing with my dogs. Shed have a heartatack
  13. the run im building is like 3ft long 2ft wide and about 1.5-2ft tall. it actually looks a decent size. Wether or not they will be happy in there i dont know but if they arnt I can always modify it in the future.
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