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death by dog

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About death by dog

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    Born Hunter

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  1. i was always told the first fox solo will make or brake a dog
  2. yeh crackin lookin dog! how old? 3 years
  3. one of the pups i kept of him and my whippet x bull hes 9mounth 24tts
  4. I change mine ones a week you need to watch it it is bad for tics this time of year , I wouldn't leave it in the bale
  5. he might of but your proven and other peoples proven is far apart your proven is 1 season my proven is aleast 3 I go buy a rule might be just me but it takes 2 years to make a dog and 2 years to break them if there still doing tha job after that then you have your self a proven dog. exactly mate this kids like your anwser but still thinks its ok 2 breed of a untested dogs My dogs do the bisness if they didn't my dad wouldn't let me keep them so no shite out my back a dog other has it or it doesn't age doesn't mater that much
  6. Anyone heard of this dog and is it a pure saluki ?
  7. you said just as good Well my mistake
  8. I ment ther getting better just ass ther dad is getting better
  9. Bred of him 8 months ago pups are doing just as good as he is so no mistake with his breeding , the old bitch is still a good dog even with feet like that I don't breed of shite mate
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