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Everything posted by fcuktheban

  1. Good thing you kept an eye on her I don't know what some people are thinking to just leave a bitch while she's in labour It would be a good idea to have a feel of her stomach just in case there's any still in her. She will be bleeding for a few days but it should taper off. skycat and moll are usually good with advice if you need any. Best of luck with the bitch and pups.
  2. Good job mate, looks like a couple of jills.
  3. No one is denying that an animal with albinism, no matter what that animal is, is genetically different to normal animals. The main way that they are different genetically is that the animal is unable to produce melanin that gives the hair, skin, and eyes colour. This type of albinism is known as oculocutaneous albinism and yes it does affect the vision of the albino animal. That said, there exists a possibility that the animal may have other defects, in reality while the possibility of these defects exist, they very rarely manifest themselves. While the lack of vision may not be detr
  4. Vision is no use underground , and you do get messed up ferrets mate. I've seen them with swaying heads and also waltzing ferrets, where they go round in circles, something genetically wrong with the inner ear I think, only seen these problems in albinos. I just get no pleasure in breeding defective animals. I'll be keeping my albino but won't be breeding it
  5. That's the same company I got my double from, looks the same but a bit smaller of course.
  6. did have 1 of each now it's going to be 2 of each 2 sandy and 2 light.
  7. Thanks for the link, after reading that I looked up information on albino ferrets and found this..." Albino ferrets often suffer from being cross-eyed, thus reducing their ability to see well. Additionally, albino ferrets suffer from an abnormality that sends scrambled signals from the eye to the brain, thus disrupting binocular vision and the ability to process visual stimuli correctly. Even colored ferrets can have this albino vision abnormality, because many colored ferrets (especially cinnamons, dark-eyed whites, and pandas) have albino genes."
  8. I've seen a few times now people that say albinos are not as healthy as other ferrets or they are not good to breed from. Is there anything wrong with albinos? There are plenty albino mice and they are bred with albinos and I've never seen a problem (bred them for snake food).
  9. I'm too lazy to use my hand, I use a cheap mp3 player with an external speaker in a plastic sandwich bag. Set it in a good spot and play some downloaded sounds. Walk away and watch them come in. I would post the sounds but I lost the links when my last pc crashed. I got a few off of THL.
  10. I have a fibreglass double, sometimes the lid has a bit of condensation inside but the ferts don't care. I just wipe it off and leave the box open when working. It's very light weight and I can sit on it without worry of breaking it.
  11. I hope you are joking. I could imagine a wall of flies coming out of that bucket in a few days. Does anyone else use flypaper in their runs? I have a tall run with the paper inside by the vents but I'm sure it would work having it outside the cages.
  12. My friends 10 month 1/2 col, 1/4 grey, 1/8 whip, 1/8 bull
  13. I freeze the rabbits and gut,skin and prepare them before feeding when they are partially thawed. It is cleaner and easier and the smell isn't nearly as strong. I don't see the point in buying tinned food when you can get rabbit for free.
  14. this is my pup and how i do it come on very well now lots of easy rabbits she looking up the beam now just give your dog time mate it will get there http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3PRTCZy3BB0 The video has been removed?
  15. Really?! That's something I've never heard of. How common is it?
  16. I didn't mean cut down on the amount, just the amount of times feeding them. I figured give them more twice a day instead of smaller portions three times a day. I fed them two rabbits today and they have dry available all the time. I want the kits to be as healthy as possible
  17. A vac hob still has the drive and would injur the jills if kept with them, a castrated hob has no sex drive so should be fine with jills anytime but can't get them out of season. You can also get a jill jab for around £20 to get them out of season.
  18. Edenbridge and Oxted coming up in August My link
  19. That's tough mate, what do you feed them now? If you think they are very young I would give them mince and wet cat food. Have you seen them drinking? Can you take some pictures of them to show us?
  20. I have 9 six week old kits that are eating meat and drinking water. I've seperated them from the jill and they are doing well. I am just wondering how many rabbits I should be giving them a day to keep them well fed? I was feeding them three times a day and would like to cut it down also.
  21. :icon_eek: :icon_eek: And if it doesn't work at least your ferret will smell lemony fresh
  22. i got my big hob done best £65 pound i spent its saved me a fortune on jill jabs I'm planning on doing the same. Then you can make a few quid when season comes around knocking other jills out
  23. Why don't you just get the dog his own bike
  24. Mine are always knocking my beers off the table with their tails:whistling:
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