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Everything posted by fcuktheban

  1. So where all these jackers now????? still running in the field !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LEAVE THEM WHERE THEY JACK. ONCE A JACKER WHEN THEY GET UNDER PRESSURE THEY WILL DO IT AGAIN AND AGAIN FACT You are a tool, why don't you give whippetlad his dog back.
  2. Some guys need to get a new hobby

    1. long dogs

      long dogs

      yeh true pal i rely on my dogs so need to take care of them

    2. willbur


      i used to have a hobby ! then she left !


    3. willbur


      still have me dogs tho lol

    4. Show next comments  129 more
  3. Nothing as long as you don't leave them in a field if they jack.
  4. Don't worry about that, I'll keep an eye out for your adverts on all the sites. Good luck pawning off you pups.
  5. So how's that dog Jed that you have doing for you? and the two pups you have already? My link
  6. Just kidding feed it what the breeder has been feeding it, they should have told you the diet. How old is the pup? Training takes some time but there are plenty of posts on here about it if you do a search. What is the mix exactly? Some breeds mature quicker than others and each has its own caracteristics so the mix has a lot to do with it. But the truth is some dogs tend to be more like one part of the mix than others. Good luck with your pup.
  7. run it behind a train and feed it Immigrants.
  8. Oh dear a thread Big bollocks spotted dick won't be able to say "I don't like that dog".
  9. Everyone knows your feelings on the EU polecat. I would like to see how the hybrids work and decide from there. I am one of many on here that believe a mixture of breeds can make a better, healthier animal. Why can we feel this way about Lurchers and not ferrets. I for one would like to see them in action. I doubt I would pay more for a ferret unless it could be a better worker than what I've seen.
  10. This is what I'm getting but I like to be well prepared and make a big day of it. My link They have smaller bags and plenty other supplies.
  11. They definitely ain't stupid, they are underestimated as pets aswell. I've always had them even when I didn't go ferreting, proper entertaining little things. yeah id rather have a pet ferret than a cat or hamster anyday least they have personality..although did have a hamster like a dog too used to follow me even out of its cage..and rabbits i used to have were dead nasty .. hamsters have to be the most pointless creature on the planet! I don't know about that, my snakes seemed to like the way they tickled going down their throats.
  12. That's a very good price and nice to see the ferret being handled. What percentage is the ferret in the pic? I had asked others about their working ability but without a reply. I wouldn't mind introducing a wider genetic base into ferrets as long as the working and handling doesn't worsen.
  13. I'd wait until the older hobs balls go up should be September.
  14. My jill is indoors and does the same she even follows me upstairs and comes when called. She does have the sneaky habit of going up sleeves or trouser legs, nipping and running off giggling the little sod. She also steals wrappers and hides them under the couch and drinks anyones drinks she can get to. I think a ferret that has bonded with you is the best to hunt with.
  15. It helps getting the pup used to dealing with fur and smells by using a fur covered toy. Praise her when she plays with it. Don't push it at her just pull it away from her. You have plenty of time for her to get her confidence and drive going.
  16. Just wondering what redtailhawks replys were to some of the questions, it looks like they've been deleted? As far as his list of hunting tools in his signature it doen't matter to me, there are plenty of people that list their dogs and they are hunting tools in my eyes. Obviously he doesn't have Lurchers.
  17. Mate, if you can give me one good reason why you would want to ferret at night i'll give it a go. Richard becuse you can do places you cant do in the day at night on big parkland, had some good scores But for me ferreting has always been a "cold winters morning" activity and besides, i worry enough about losing the little buggers in the day, nevermind in pitch black. Also how do you know if a rabbit has hit a net?. Richard It is suprising how well you can see at night. I set the nets right so don't miss many, also use long net. You can see quiet well and just keep
  18. Hi Johno, I wouldn't call it training it's just bringing out the ferrets natural instincts. You can get your ferret some tubes to get it used to being in holes and keep it fit. There are a couple of websites that explain the basics of ferreting. How old are your ferrets?
  19. Fixed my old clicker box, bought secateurs, hand shovel and gloves. Still need a leather lead for a slip and a new rucksack.
  20. I like the greyhound type but don't think they deserve a different name. I have seen litters with different sizes and shapes. When you hunt full euro ferrets how to you get them to come back to you and do you wear gloves? I doubt your ferrets look any better than mine no matter what name you give them. As for ferreting at night, I'd rather go lamping.
  21. I've got a hob kit you can have but you have to give him a tug every season just incase you didn't know.
  22. You're almost there stanleigh, just a few more feet and then a peek at utopia
  23. More like the flat side of a hammer.
  24. I'll sometimes bring up old posts without writing bump and people don't realize the post started some time back. I think I'll be writing bump from now on.
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