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Everything posted by fcuktheban

  1. So many people talking about breeding worker to worker but when the bitch is only bred to breed then it can't be a worker.
  2. I hear them blackwater dogs have been around since the dawn of time. I prefer a long line of inbred tumblers cause their fluffy and can carry my newspaper without putting holes in it.
  3. I'm 18 ftb, y? Just wondering, you write better than a lot of people on here but you are a bit cocky thinking you are more intelligent than most.
  4. You can't really blame the people that bought them since they had no idea the bitch was so young. There are a few people on here that knew what they were doing and told them good luck and all that. People like that "boil my piss".
  5. Bred 3 jills to replenish the team? You must have some big sets. I bred the once and I'm never going to do it again, too much hassle. I finally got the last kit sold. Next time I want a new worker I'll just get one off of someone else. Good luck with your kits hope you find decent working homes for them.
  6. It depends on what the sets are like where he's at. I prefer my big hobs but to each their own as long as they do the job.
  7. Hunting teaches them respect for the land, their quarry and their workers. Not many kids these days know what the word respect means much less how to give it or earn it.
  8. It was a good read but like has been chewed into you already you should pay more attention to giving the proper dates and seasons. How old are you dances? As for other peoples "pointless" articles, if you aren't interested in them then don't read them. I find the articles very informative and she really knows her stuff. I certainly don't have the balls to even try to suggest otherwise.
  9. Light force is an over rated piece of cr*p, if everyone that had a broken bit on their lamp sent it in for repair the company would be out of business.
  10. I heard a rabbit screaming on the railroad tracks across the street today around 11 so I don't think fox care if it's dark or light.
  11. fleabay, try a misspelling search site because hunters can't spell and you might find a deal. I bought 2 collars, 8' and 15' and a clicker box for £45 http://www.misspelledauctions.co.uk/
  12. So how old is the bitch? http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/150356-my-bullghdxwhippetghdxbull/page__fromsearch__1
  13. I'm sure there is, call luke2009 on one of these numbers and he'll get you sorted 07743265414(bullx) 07816032118(bullx) 07930156455(deer/grey) 07542680788(bullx)
  14. Samba and rebel2009 8 month old bitch on 10th april 2010 http://www.thehuntin...__fromsearch__1 same bitch 8th feb 2011, pups 17weeks old http://www.thehuntin...__fromsearch__1 way to churn em out guys
  15. Yes and I can't resize it so have to look for smaller images. Why can't I start a gallery? I put files on the two avaiable brouse sections but it doesn't give me a download option?
  16. Trying to put some pics in my signature but I can't add pics to the gallery so have to have the pic as an attachment?! I can't just d/l a pic as my signature so here it is after all the aggro...
  17. If you can't find a snipped hob here you can try this site http://www.rabbiters.co.uk
  18. Good job mate, it was dead out here last night. Only seen 2 rabbits sitting by hedges.
  19. Do you work the bitch in your avatar?
  20. I was sent this and thought I should share it, it sounds like someone was using a squeaker to call a dog to them and take it... At 9.30pm on Monday 1 August 2011 a Reading resident was exercising her female Lurcher in Christchurch Meadow, Caversham, Reading near the river Thames. A male person was seen sitting on a bench with a rucksack nearby. The owner said the man was continuously whistling to get the dog's attention but the sound was unusual like someone using their teeth/tongue or a piece of thin plastic to make the noise. The dog went over to the man who got up, moved towards her,
  21. not a bad price http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=370524194830&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT and plenty camping shops have second hand fibreglass poles cheap
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