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Everything posted by fcuktheban

  1. why westie pal u shud of used another russel or lakie if u wnt it for bushing gud luck wif it anyhow. I didn't breed it, I found out a friend of my mate was selling the pups so had a look at them and liked it well enough to give him a try.
  2. What's up with work for you? I'm self employed and work on the pc often. I still get out there and work my dogs regularly
  3. sire westie, dam 1/2 lake 1/2 russell He's 8 weeks old and doesn't stay still. I'm planning on using him for bushing. His littermate was mostly black with brown. I think my pup looks very russell so far.
  4. It looks like Dotty already gave you the same offer a few posts back so I'm sure he's still alright with it.
  5. Got a new pup westie x 1/2 lake 1/2 jack

    1. scothunter


      my mum had a westie years ago.it was a vicious little c**t.lol

    2. Moll.


      Need a photo of that x.


    3. fcuktheban


      It's only 8 weeks now so won't look like much more than any other pup but will post pics

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  6. If someone stole your dog from you wouldn't you want to know who did it? If I told you who did it would it make me a grass? It should be the same for the belongings that we pay for. I can't give a rats arse about thieves and don't call them my friends. I tried it and found my belongings missing on a few ocassions. I didn't blame all of a certain people at all, quite the opposite.
  7. still a puppy peddlin mug Dotty you're like a pit on a fresh bone. It doesn't really matter if it was an accident or if he wants to sell them for money as long as he tells all the important details and gives a good price then hopefully this accident won't happen again. I'm sure if it does you will be here long before me. if only you were a female then we could make peddlin detecting kids Who said I wasn't
  8. BRAIN FART and those are some very fluffy ears and the feet are very sal like for a sire that wasn't even mentioned to have sal in it? Who did you get him from?
  9. still a puppy peddlin mug Dotty you're like a pit on a fresh bone. It doesn't really matter if it was an accident or if he wants to sell them for money as long as he tells all the important details and gives a good price then hopefully this accident won't happen again. I'm sure if it does you will be here long before me.
  10. Hahaha, it wasn't just one it was at least 5 brand new high end cars and IF I was a grass I would have given out names instead of just asking where the money was going to and if they were following up on it It sounds like a few nerves have been touched and if I can uncover some thieves then call me a grass. I'll wear the badge proudly. You can wear the numbers on your prison suit
  11. This topic is locked lol

  12. Every thread has the star rating system at the top of the post, if we all used it properly we could help each other sift through the stupid threads. Maybe the rating system can be improved upon so it can be seen how many people liked a certain thread? If we were able to dislike a certain person enough to give them the boot their wouldn't be anyone left
  13. WTF It's obvious they are only interested in money. I'm sure a sociopath would find the site amusing. What sain person would want to see graphic images of animals being torn up and nude women....none
  14. fcuktheban


    no, ran down to the bottom to have another go
  15. I did post an article on this subject a while back. I'm sure everyone is aware when certain travelers decide to settle into an area they bully the Village people and even intimidate the local bill so who's going to stop them. Brute force and a willingness to go to prison beats out reasoning and logic it seems. There is a large camp in my Village and the locals knows who to avoid if they want to keep their teeth. When the travelers were told to leave they won the appeal and were given a grant to improve the look of their site. Of course they got a nice high fence all the way around and brand ne
  16. fcuktheban


    I hope you wiped it off well with his skirt before he jumped
  17. Just because the rabbits aren't chewed to bits doesn't mean the dog didn't catch them, some people actually eat the rabbits
  18. Very good but the ad has the date it was posted on it if you look at it
  19. Deja vu http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:6sYVVEzjqtIJ:www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/181686-3-quarter-whippet-1-quarter-bedlington-pups/+site:thehuntinglife.com+07584996436&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=uk
  20. I've seen a heron with a big hole in it floating in a local pond. it always makes me think twice about hanging my feet in the water.
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