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Everything posted by fcuktheban

  1. Believe what you want you kilt lifting haggis muncher, plenty of lads on here know me and know i'm not bull shitting
  2. stevo12323 after getting caught selling off a bitch he said worked day and night.... i aint no peddler and i never said rabbits that bitch loves rats I'm still in tears
  3. How about a killer worm, wonder if a ferret can take it out? http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-1165930/Barry-giant-sea-worm-discovered-aquarium-staff-mysterious-attacks-coral-reef.html
  4. Good on you for standing your ground looking forward to seeing the future generations
  5. You're too right, hopper has had more than a few names on here but he fessed up as soon as anyone points it out. http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:oiMyyioOjO4J:www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/129885-my-whippet-pup-5-weeks-now-some-piks/+leeali+whippets&cd=5&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=uk&source=www.google.co.uk as far as breeding goes Paula has you beat but she uses your studs so you are still breeding more than what you say. You even advertise the pups for Fiona another owner of your dogs that breeds with yours. You're a very helpful guy http://web
  6. It makes me so very flustered when people keep picking on sweet guys that only mean well
  7. Ya mannnn.. haha carry on lads.. Are you the poor lad that was devo'd?
  8. Shouldn't you be in the new members section typing a "hello and welcome" to keep your posts count up He'll scan it for women then say hello
  9. It could have happened if he had enough big hobs, I had a huge hob that ripped up a mink and when feeding him rabbits he would crush the skulls like a tin can. I have a kit from him now that's going to be something to recon with too but I wouldn't try putting him in with a cat.
  10. Pedalers, liars and thiefs and usually they are all the same people and idiots that talk about culling dogs
  11. trying out my new lamp tonight if the rain doesn't ruin it

    1. DottyDoo
    2. fcuktheban


      What? My trainers aren't waterproof and my track bottoms get heavy.

  12. I'm sorry but I can't understand this whippet archive thing because it shows you own 7 registered whippet bitches and there are a few you've bred that don't have owners named? http://thewhippetarchives.net/managePerson.php?personId=20070
  13. I don't think he's ever left. Aye ,i think he goes top jockey to jack-boi I think he's learned his leason and grown up but he still won't fess up and admit who he is. He takes care of his dogs even if he breeds plenty of them he gets good homes for them. As for jackboi He doesn't give a toss about the animals just the £££
  14. The pup holding on and not just a quick snap sounds more like she's telling the other dog you are hers. My pup did try to do the same with other dogs but I corrected her and she is over it. When you are around other dogs give them attention and don't allow the pup to break in. She should know you are the boss and she doesn't own you. I'm sure if you perservere it will just be a phase.
  15. bump http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:G-3IzkWobFYJ:www.classifieds.co.uk/edinburgh/pets/dogs/whippet/9521375/cornstalk-shining-light-has-had-her-puppies-all-bookedat-3wks/map+%22Cornstalk+Shining+Light+has+had+her+puppies+%22&cd=5&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=uk&source=www.google.co.uk
  16. Just make sure there aren't any broken pieces left in the pups gums and they shouldn't have hard bones to chew on.
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