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Everything posted by fcuktheban

  1. I'm not bothered at all mate, nice to see I have a fan club I don't think it matters how old I am or what's in my trousers and I'll try not to judge you by it either.
  2. As you wrote that my 15 year old son came running out the kitchen because their was a "giant" spider in there. He wanted me to kill it but I said I'm getting too much enjoyment from the boys running around when the spider changes rooms
  3. This is a whippet and has similar features including the bit of bushiness on the tail. http://www.flickr.com/photos/littlecrumb/sets/72157603259541722/with/2571663893
  4. Can anyone do some lyrics for this tune? [media=''] [/media]
  5. They look pretty good, I'd reccomend a free photo editor program called PhotoScap. It is easy to use and the results are instant. http://www.photoscape.org/ps/main/download.php
  6. catchy! I was leaning towards................... "Pish"!!!!.... I couldn't think of anything to rhyme with Fcuktheban! how about... They seek him here. They seek him there. Bogger seeks him everywhere. Bumming your grandad? Or feltching your gran? That damned elusive Fcuktheban! I'm keeping that one
  7. There was a lurcher that escaped it's kennel every night and let out the other dogs. You can see the cctv footage on this site. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/london/3712960.stm#
  8. They are like cats, there is hardly anywhere in your house they can't get to. My mates dog jumped 2 baby gates climbed the counter top and went on top of the fridge, opened two cat food boxes and ate the lot.
  9. That picture was meant for your wife
  10. If you want to see me in person you only need to ask, I don't drive but you can come to Kent and say hello if you want. I'll be at the Edenbridge and Oxted Show coming up.
  11. Was that the question because I missed it. I do have a dog and if you look at my posts I've put a few pics up. I also hunt otherwise why would I be on here chatting If I wanted to look people up and nail them to the wall the last thing I would do is talk to them on a site I don't trust many and there are only a few people on here that know me but I don't expect them to stand up for me since I've done nawt.
  12. Wow every post, I must be one here a lot I doubt most people have a problem with it. If you don't want people knowing your business then don't plaster it on the interweb for everyone to see I don't hide the fact that I'm looking at posts. I can teach you how to use google to if it makes you feel any better booger? im fine with the lesson as nobody has ever seen you before my suspicions are raised even more about you,plus you can investigate me as much as you like That's what this entire thread is about isn't it, you want me to look at your profile? Didn't you get enough attenti
  13. Never bought her books, never read the CMW, but know a decent sort from those who just want to bitch like a bunch of old women I'll alter the earlier post from 'prick' to 'bitch' that may be but ye still a woman and ye still shite Now I know why you're called hedz, you like the men. Tell us the truth it was you on that merits for ferrets program wasn't it.
  14. Wow every post, I must be one here a lot I doubt most people have a problem with it. If you don't want people knowing your business then don't plaster it on the interweb for everyone to see I don't hide the fact that I'm looking at posts. I can teach you how to use google to if it makes you feel any better booger?
  15. bogger's got a crush on me ;)

    1. fcuktheban


      simo you know you can have anyone you want, we are looking at a spring wedding

    2. Bogger
    3. tag


      love it ......

    4. Show next comments  69 more
  16. I've seen him and I can tell you he a stand up woman and she's not quite that young either. If you believe everything you read I have a great timeshare opportunity for you. No need to worry unless you've got something to hide
  17. Ok fella whats a dog gonna do if its pulled large edible quarry if ye had taken any ye know a dog aint killing it quick and will hold and shake and if its for the pot ye gonna break your dog off,if ye can call a dog of one your doing well if your letting a dog do the job its gonna make a right mess aint it think about it and dont make ye self look daft Have a look at C/G's pics and you can see the throats are missing a chunk, if you are that needy you should shoot them and sell the dogs.
  18. My gaydar was most definately pingin. It takes one to know one thweetheart I seen the thread on her accidental mating and even if it wasn't an accident I'm sure she did a better job than most with her pups. Skycat is full of info and helps out plenty of us on here.
  19. Yes I do see it but looking at the parents if their is collie in it it couldn't be much. The pups muzzle resembles the sires muzzle. It's still young and has some shaping up to do so hard to go by the body shape just yet. I've seen plenty of silly bat ears on whippets and the tail can just be a proud pup. Does the pup always carry it's tail in the air?
  20. Are you on the right thread mate
  21. Give over ye wasnt strong enough to pull a saluki cross of ye airedale so how ye gonna break a dog of big game It's her own dogs, I'm sure she can call them off of it.
  22. I always freeze the meat for at least 24 hours to kill off any tapeworm and soak in saltwater in the fridge overnight. There are plenty of recipes but curry seems to be a favourite. I've made some donkey cornish pasties that were delicious.
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