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Everything posted by fcuktheban

  1. Buckfast is a drink that has been know to cause aggression because it has high alcohol levels combined with caffeine http://freethinker.co.uk/2010/09/18/monk-juice-linked-to-violent-crime-but-the-abbots-who-make-it-dont-see-a-problem/
  2. Ah. But at least I'm able to make myself understood. With resort to the the vulgar or the vernacular. Sorry I can't oblige with the dying bit. The medics have just written my up as being A1 fit. I've read the entire thread and understood everything except for the gaelic but one thing I don't understand.... Where exactly on the human anatomy would an "up" be located?
  3. I think the bitch needs to do something better with her time
  4. 20 is so young, I hope she wasn't in pain. My condolences to the family.
  5. I can see why you're testing the waters http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/205204-bitch-coming-into-season/page__fromsearch__1 low and behold http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/209815-few-pics-of-the-dogs/page__fromsearch__1 Why ask for a pup when your bitch is about to have pups? http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/214402-blue-bull-grey-pup/page__fromsearch__1 Is it for your next breeding when the pup is 11 months old? You've had plenty pups and dogs coming and going but my favourite is trying to get swap a bitch you just got. http://www
  6. Sure ye did kidder that would of made ye 10 or 11 yeah My 8 year old is ferreting with me and begging to go lamping. If he wasn't at school during the day he'd want to go bushing too.
  7. 4 posts all to do with trying to get a free pup.
  8. Great looking pups, hope they go to good homes.
  9. He wants a couple of bags of dog food for it hardly chasing the $$$$$$$$$$$$$ is it now I believe joball's talking about earlier threads where he wanted money for the pup.
  10. Just wondering why he said he was in another thread? http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:8j5VrUxC1KkJ:www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/140539-lakeland-x-jackrussel-x-patterdale/+%22the+hunting+life%22%22don1%22%22patterdale%22&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=uk&source=www.google.co.uk
  11. I never said there was anything wrong with the pups, the dogs all look healthy and fit. I was just wondering why they were using different names and a different account?
  12. Hope she'll be able to get out and do something after this litter http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/181686-3-quarter-whippet-1-quarter-bedlington-pups/
  13. Jusar you have some really quality friends
  14. Just got a lovely message from sighthound1811... sighthound1811 <p class="author_info"> Mega Hunter Members 605 posts Gender:Male Location:a quiet backwater town.... Sent Yesterday, 10:23 PM if you or your f****n idiot mate ideation ever dare name jusar on an open forum again i'll put a hole in you and him.....end of story..take this as a friendly warning...next time i'll be kicking your front door in....we have ways of tracing your I.P address idiot !! its not hard...your computer leaves a fingerprint wherever it goes which is traceable to YOUR HOME ADD
  15. Why would you think he's a traveler Cause he thinks your Brad Pitt too................ and that's not a strawberry on her lips
  16. Amongst all the cursing and threats I think you're asking me if I would change my mind about selling a good bitch (because I had bought a dog and had to get rid of her) when she came into season because I could make a bit of money off of the pups. This is my answer.... 1. I wouldn't get rid of a good dog 2. I wouldn't get a dog if I didn't have room for it 3. I wouldn't breed for money 4. I wouldn't breed a good worker before season begins As far as punching me all ova, you are probably 14 and don't have facial hair yet.
  17. Why would you think he's a traveler
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M3wficiHwTk http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=028_1198373268
  19. He was actually running very fast but all those little guys seen him coming so they ran faster I know he'd make me run faster.
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