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Everything posted by fcuktheban

  1. If it can be spread by insects then its likely in the discharge Rabbits are yucky, I'm going to take up fishing
  2. If your ferrets carry infected insects into the warrens then they can pass the infection on.
  3. Another article saying it can also be transmitted by the liquid that comes off of the affected rabbit http://www.rabbitrehome.org.uk/care/vaccination.asp
  4. I missed your thread, put a link up here please. So from your post im assuming that most farmers can get it from the agric chemists along with wormer and hoof powder! If your in the know? The article link is in my post. I'm not sure how readily avaiable the viral base is to the general public but it would be interesting to find out. http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/215944-what-causes-mixi/page__st__15
  5. The hills have eyes mate I would enter mine pre ban when ever there was one in front of them. I don't start them too young on anything so they are ready for whatever is in their path.
  6. I had posted it on a recent thread. It was man made, sent to France and they believe sent to England on purpose. It can be spread in liquid form but it is illegal although no one has ever been done for spreading mixy.
  7. Now he wants an upgrade the old model for a shiny new one
  8. That would mean you're on here 24/7 I leave my pc on, free internet You'll notice I'm not doing much or answering q's because I'm not home Nice to keep the heat on though
  9. That looked to me like you said 3 dog, just wondering who's the others are then? Maybe they would trade you...
  10. How many dogs do you have then, you should have some younger ones to replace him?
  11. That's me calling him a kid, I don't think he would be complaining about himself passing a dog around.
  12. Should have all been in pm if it wasn't a setup boys http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:YTNPuBbYvTkJ:www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/194476-wanted-lurcher-pup/+site:thehuntinglife.com+%22the+hunting+life%22%22connordog%22&cd=13&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=uk&source=www.google.co.uk http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/215610-bull-x-running-away-with-fox/ no bother, I prefer talking to myself
  13. Somehow this all seems like a setup Trying to save the £5 connordog? Why don't you show us a pic of your amazing dogs so we can all start the bidding on the pups.
  14. How would you know, bull x's aren't your thing.
  15. What is going on here, read the top of the sales section. There is no tradesies. Why are there soooo many kids on here treating dogs like pokemon cards
  16. This is why there should be a certain amount of time and posts on the site before being able to offer or buy dogs. I think there should also be an age limit for buying and selling dogs
  17. Who said I weren't into little boys I enjoy teaching them a thing or two especially how to avoid peddlers and not breeding when they should be out working their dugs.
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