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Everything posted by Sirius

  1. There are hedges and there are HEDGES. All differnt, but down here in the south west many are thick as hell and on top of a bank. I genuinely dont bother with some places as there are better methods to whack the varmints After all rabbits will often run the hedge rather than break out into a open field. However I dont think you can beat either a low small stop net or a large double pegged pursenet set on a run. Short of that you can block it off, but that doesnt always lead to rabbits in the bag eh
  2. Have you already paid the grand and now waiting to be reimbursed?Yes but it does depend on your vets
  3. Argos at the moment. Waiting on a claim for best part of a grand so we will see!
  4. Must try harder with the editing of the pics though
  5. yarp, collies are the future grockle :-)
  6. Great snaps breeze,:-) Dogs look really well
  7. He looks a lot like his brother Banjo.
  8. A few hours today, half a dozen nets which I didnt use much and gave the youngster a good stretch. Bolted more than we caught, but it gave me and the dog a good workout up them hills Good hunting Sirius
  9. Straw is great, hay not good IMO. Shredded paper is good and insulating also.
  10. Banjo is the spit of my pup, thanks for posting them up. I took a few of the dog today will post later.
  11. No not any hancock that I know about, or if so must be generations back, but other on here whould know more. Not that hancock blood bothers me at all if its a good dog.
  12. What ever you do, get a dog from parents doing the job. It's usually best. I prefer a good splash of collie.
  13. Yeah been off grid mate :-) He's about 21kg and 24tts now, just what I wanted.
  14. I have been busy of late, but yeah he doesn't look too bad, filled out a bit.
  15. Cheers he's a collie lurcher. Nice little character for the rabbiting. He's around 18months old, needs lots of work thrown at him now.
  16. Just a few snaps of my youngster I am starting this season
  17. It's a pup sounds normal. Chill, it will come with time and making the odds in the dogs favour
  18. I have one now with a tumour at the moment but shes getting on 8-9 years old, touch and go if its worth doing or not, more than likley PTS I have also had it in another old jill, which was around the same age which I PTS. It seems common in older Jills.
  19. Looks a superb animal you have there Fuji :-)
  20. No 3 years old or so. I kept 4 Jill's 3 were all the same size (like the smaller one in picture) and there was one large Jill. She was a average size Jill but the hob was on the small side. Hopefully the smaller one will catch up. Another pic of the kits
  21. Same litter, some variation eh! 9weeks old
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