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Everything posted by Sirius

  1. A picture paints a 1000 words TOMO This collie cross smashes the full spectrum of edible quarry in England, carrots with 100yrd slips, marks and catches Maris Pipers, turnips and even a fecking 3lb parsnip once! Next season I will take him north of the boarder to try him on the Tatties and Nips....
  2. It does sound like the same as what has been doing the rounds. If the dog is doing well now digestion wise, I would try splitting the meals down into smaller meals maybe 3-4 per day as this will help the dog make more of his food.
  3. This carriers done me a few years, I just stitched a bit of seat belt onto it. I just treat it with a decent leather conditioner end of each season
  4. Aint that the truth mate, we used to get all our tripes and bits and bobs for the dogs locally for as long as I can remember. They seem to have clued onto it now, and I am sure alot gets sold on to dog food companies for more dollar (or maybe for northerners to have with onions) I can still get whole tripes but its just not consistant in quality or volume. Alot still goes to the hound kennel and plenty of those stinking 'Bible Tripes' too, although alot of hunting folk rate bible it just isnt for me, too shitty. But when you see a pack of hounds decemate a stack of it, they sure do love it an
  5. The thing with feeding raw diets is that you can adjust it to suit the dog and its work load. A basic day to day for me is 3/4 of the meal is tripe and chicken mince or tripe and beef. Then the other 1/4 is chicken carcass or offal such as liver or fish along with vegetables. it depends whats available. I add a few supplements also depending on the dog. It's not rocket science as some should have you believe. Good luck Sirius
  6. I agree that quality is paramount and without doubt we all want to reduce any chance of a problem occurring in our dogs. By saying earlier in the thread you don't need to cook meats from a manufacturer, may have been slightly misleading or not enough detail but I am referring to good quality meat minces from a reputable supplier, not any old rubbish. I would like to give the other members of the forum some credit that I would hope they would get their meats from a decent source also. I have seen first hand the absolute rubbish which can be supplied it literally turns to mush once defrosted
  7. I am told the dog biscuit glued to a hook is effective, its one of those things I would love to do is catch a carp on a fly rod .
  8. its good to catch fish, but imo you can never beat the satisfaction of stalking and catching decent fish and even better a wild one. Just my take on it, but many a dull day has been saved by going home with a few newly stocked fish in the game bag. Tight lines Sirius
  9. Nice clip Micky Finn cheers for posting., very similar to how i have been shown to do a few times. Like skycat says being gentle is essential and reading when the dog shows resistance. Shame he didn't put a mat down for the dog on the table poor fecker would of been more relaxed and comfortable.
  10. Think they couldn't make the collars small enough The Bellman & Flint collars and locators are bloody good for working the terriers, however the technology is just too big for ferrets collars is how I understood it after a discussion with the fella at Bellman and Flint. Shame really as they are a good firm to deal with.
  11. I have fed the fur on and fur off, minced quartered etc. personally I opt for the skin off either minced for better storage of cut in half. The most important thing is to freeze for 2-3 weeks minimum to kill any tape worm cysts, as one thing is for sure that if you feed enough raw rabbit without freezing your dog will more than likely get tape worm. Good luck Sirius
  12. I would like to know if anyone has had a dog of this breeding that worked well in the southern counties of England consistently. I can't see any benefit over a dog with more sighthound for lamping or ferreting down here.
  13. Forums are about discussion,there is no need to condescend and add silly little digs, just because someone does not wholeheartedly agree with you and your views . I will stand by my statement 'you do not need to cook mince bought from a meat supplier'. It's hardly ground breaking or controversial that dogs can benefit from raw meat. Yes there is always a minimal risk to everything, but there is the same risk or negatives when feeding completes. It's just common sense to source your meats from a good reliable source. Show dogs ...keep going you will only discredit yourself even furth
  14. Sounds good but from experience many 'pet minces' that butchers sell contain too much offal and not always enough fat and muscle meat or it can vary wildly depending what they have left over. Try a good tripe and chicken mince or tripe and beef add some extra veg offal or fatty meat and as suggested feed twice a day. Good luck Sirius
  15. There really is no need to cook raw meat such as the ones you will purchase from meat suppliers. If anything cooking may slightly effect the vitamin content. Mind you I did notice a couple of foxs sat around a fire tonight maybe they were cooking their dinner :-)
  16. Maybe try adjusting your fresh feeding regime if you are already feeding raw, but its hard to help without much info on what you actually feed meat wise. I would look at feeding a good range of raw foods with a good fat content. I take it you are using a Baked wholemeal mixer biscuit? I have used several hard baked biscuits over the years and found them very good, but I would always prefer a baked biscuit over a extruded one. Regards Sirius
  17. I doubt you will receive much of a reply, and lets face it, if your feeding complete food I expect you already know that its not going to be the best high quality organic chicken breast. It's more than likely the waste chicken from the human food industry at best, ground, pulped, cooked added to other ingredients and extruded. The complete food industry has changed quite dramatically (or at least its marketing has) in the last 10 years, and as a rule you are seeing better quality foods (or at least better marketing) on the market but you will have to pay for them. Its really down to the con
  18. That's a ridiculous claim.
  19. She's a looker alright socks :-) had here out with the ferrets yet for a looky see?
  20. They get a free pest control service mate. If it wasn't for us idiots loving it, going out in all weathers, keeping the pests down. The country would be in a sorry state. I know that matey, but many farms are not always that bothered.
  21. You have to play the game with the land owners. But being civil is not difficult to do, some people have no manners. But the age old problem is we want to go on there land and they get nothing really out of it, so you have to tow the line.
  22. She's doing well for her first season. Why do Pups always test you patience to the extreme? I suppose if they didn't it wouldnt be half as fulfilling when them come good. She's turned into a nice looking hound millet. Regards Sirius
  23. Get it to vets quick it's one if not the most common forms of poisoning for dogs.
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