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Everything posted by Sirius

  1. I would avoid products for the human market firstly on the grounds of dosage and secondly whether its safe for veterinary use. Having worked for best part of my life in the veterinary medicines and supplements business, I do have a fair amount of interest and experience on this subject. However I am happy to give my input but I am not going to get drawn into the rights and wrongs and technicality's of it all again with Sandymere if I can help it as its been done to death People often supplement their dogs diets, even when the diet they are feeding is correct. There can be many reaso
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A6KauaV1m_U
  3. If you have few dogs www.prizechoice.co.uk they do what they call a breeders discount, good service and product... TPMS I have heard are good also Good luck Sirius
  4. I am not running the dog early .... Infact I am trying to take her places where there is no game .... Oh and I can guarantee that I will not ruin this bitch ............... You are a twat ....... It has been said :laugh:
  5. I am not running the dog early .... Infact I am trying to take her places where there is no game .... Oh and I can guarantee that I will not ruin this bitch ...............
  6. You will ruin that dog running it too early.... Some dogs have it about them, a good roe buck is no easy task with many adult dogs.
  7. I agree I think the 3 week thing is more than likely a rough guide to be on the safe side. The amount of times I have fed fresh rabbits and they have pretty well always got tapeworms. But even with a week or two freezing I don't have a problem at all, so i guess its more than likely similar to sandymere theory as to how they are destroyed.
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hfhdAmrvN6E
  9. I want it all ,robust, brains, strong and enough speed :-) without enough speed they will always be left wanting. And without strength and robustness and brains they won't last. As with all things Lurcher a good balance is what you want to be lucky enough to achieve. There's a lot of luck involved.
  10. Lol think she got her travellers and New Age travellers mixed up!
  11. Salt water is as good as anything. Beware hibiscrub can cause a wound to breakdown in some cases. Good to wash and scrub up with but not so great to clean existing wounds.
  12. There's nothing hard about keeping dogs outside, it's just more practical for some. It makes no difference to working ability either. Dogs have to be socialised wether a worker or a pet and IMO there is no excuse not to have put the work in to do it.
  13. That link is great if you want Viagra Troter lol Terramycin is a POM, if your vet is cool they will get it for you it or try anyone who keeps livestock particularly sheep. You can get it without prescription from horse supply places.It then has to dispensed by a SQP but I am pretty sure it's categorised as a POM-V which is out of SQP'S remit, saying that i think theres various categories and its been a while since i did my AMTRA qualification. Good luck if you can get it like that its handy stuff, I found it great for nail bed infections.
  14. That link is great if you want Viagra Troter lol Terramycin is a POM, if your vet is cool they will get it for you it or try anyone who keeps livestock particularly sheep.
  15. yes i know mate thats why i thought id mention it .. some parts of the country people are haveing a hell of a time never hear people in somerset say they have had a bad time from haveing lurchers tho Why do you think it was because you had a lurcher?? You might of been stopped as you looked suspect (with all due respect) or maybe there had been something going on locally, or are you known to them? Or maybe they were just bored.
  16. knowing when to keep the head or put it down is a clever dog if it takes to it quick it is some thing i do with my dogs its a must why have two dogs one for day and one for night when one can do both jobs Isn't that called having a lurcher? It's what i would expect any dog to do, a bit of everything and hopefully do most of well. yes mate but a lot do not do a bit of every thing through lack of time spent with the dog or the mind set of a day dog only and a lamp dog only that is what i can not get my head round why have a dog for one thing when most will do both if time is spent with the d
  17. That is the most important bit And finding the best food to suit the dog. However it can depend on the genetics as to a dogs natural size and build, I have owned one of these and no matter what you did you could not change it obviously, worth bearing in mind especially with certain crosses.
  18. knowing when to keep the head or put it down is a clever dog if it takes to it quick it is some thing i do with my dogs its a must why have two dogs one for day and one for night when one can do both jobs Isn't that called having a lurcher? It's what i would expect any dog to do, a bit of everything and hopefully do most of it well.
  19. Is it always?, nature or nurture is the question? I would say a good bit of both
  20. I could put up with the odd squeak on a corner occasionally (and many dogs do for various reasons), but a full blown yodelling dog just isn't for me. The feeling when you realise a dog is a yapper is a orrible feeling thats for sure, the problem is that it wont become really apparent until you start working the dog, so best part of a years work bringing the dog on only to find it has this fault.
  21. I agree I have taken a few youngsters fishing, and will be taking my oldest son enough too. I just took them to a nice local lake with plenty of small coarse fish, you could catch with no bait on the hook! Its all about building confidence with results hey
  22. Split feed or one meal per day. Having food permanently available can often cause a range of problems.
  23. Without turning this into another Hancock thread. its a very important stage for pups and is between birth and 14-16 weeks for socialisation. I found this a pretty interesting subject when I studied animal behaviour. http://www.apbc.org.uk/articles/puppysocialisation1
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