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Everything posted by Sirius

  1. Good choice, which one. got most of his albums but I think Dog House Music is class really raw unlike the later albums!
  2. Never get sick of this album! A electronic masterpiece.
  3. Sirius


    That books a good read, a big book but I enjoyed it when I read it.
  4. I am planning to take a few straws from my old dog, just in case down the line I want to use him. I have seen several bitchs AI'ed the important bit is getting the bitch on the right day, easy to do with a test from the vet.
  5. The fact is each dogs different, but it's always best to work with the dogs mind rather than physical contact. Some peoples attitude to dog training is archaic. A dog is your best mate built on trust.
  6. Top draw pictures and videos, thanks for sharing.
  7. Never understand people that say there dogs never had a day off due to a foot injury. Mine get cuts, snapped nails etc most seasons it's path of the course for a Lurcher or maybe I am unlucky lol That's with a dog I consider to have bloody good feet lol
  8. the nerves there mate av been onto the vet he said no problem he knock him out first thing an pull it out for him mate if I thought he could keep it id leave it but cant see it with the nerve showingI couldn't see on pic as on a phone, best out then! They heal up quick enough!
  9. Unlucky, You might get away with leaving it in see what the vet says. But it won't be pulled out it's a operation for a canine extraction usually.
  10. It's fecking ridiculous, how many people will not be able to go on holidays with the kids due to the price hike of holidays and flights in July and August !
  11. I kill allot of rabbits in my local area every year and still have yet to catch a black one, white one, sandy one etc. But I get several of these with a 'White Bindi spot'
  12. That rabbits alive! Did you let it go to spread its seed?
  13. One things for sure 'Nothing ever stays the same' The lack of wilderness and countryside will increase to shrink in the future on this little Island we live on, so you will have to work harder to keep your land and it will be harder for new lads starting. Being honest, decent and presenting your sport in the best way possible is essential and most important enjoy it as best you can Dogs have always been stolen and lurcher's have always attracted undesirables its the way it is, I have had idiots driving the land near me of late, but I have seen it before they come and go. Build a good reputa
  14. How not to do it...Or maybe it is, but its not my idea of ferreting.
  15. Strong workman like hound you got there Pukerk
  16. You will find in moderation (same as most things) it is fine and can have a positive benefit to general health. To the OP, Speed is only going to be what the genes dictate to a certain extent. The key is good food and conditioning to get the dog fit, which takes time. Good Luck Sirius
  17. Good few rabbits, especially for this time of year! She's looking well mate
  18. Some great snaps NEWKID, thanks for posting. Those hedges can be real productive if the cover isn't to bad
  19. Good score of rabbits! Plenty bellied up today every doe was carrying. Still we will keep keeping on....
  20. Some great shots SeanC, cheers for posting them NEWKID. Looks like a spring morning! Had 17 this morning, all the does had young. Gonna be a early end this year for ferreting unless we get a real cold snap.
  21. Don't get to caught up with percentages, good temperament is king and my preference is from dogs working at there job. However I have heard good things about the Alex bred dogs however from Hancock.
  22. http://www.thekennelclub.org.uk/services/public/breed/restrictions.aspx?id=4084
  23. There is a difference between line breeding and inbreeding. Or rather inbreeding is the most extreme form of line breeding, Father to daughter, Mother to son , Sister to Brother etc. IMO its to close, but then again, if nothing on either side is too close you should avoid to many problems. The problem with it is when you get people with little knowledge of breeding, repeatedly doing it with no out crosses your sure to have trouble . Nothing shocking about it, the working world is far more rife with close breeding's than the pedigree world.
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