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Everything posted by Sirius

  1. A good age that forester, lovely looking Lurcher. RIP
  2. Because it's common place in these scummy places that dogs are bred and treated like currency. But this does happen in every town in the UK.
  3. What's wrong with society ay, just look at these idiots they need to be PTS.
  4. Things will start to throw more even after 4 or 5 gens of careful breeding of say two breeds that for sure, but you will still get a throw backs or pups which lean more to past generation. But I don't believe you can predict the outcome by which way round the the dog or bitch is bred. For instance a collie/grey : if the sire is a collie or the bitch they won't throw one way more.
  5. All the genes go in to the pot and get melted down and the pups are a mix of each IMO You can't predict the outcome by which way round the dog and bitch are bred is what I believe.
  6. A sad loss, especially field sports :-( what a great character she was.
  7. From the few I have seen myself they lack height for many tasks such as lamping, going unsighted is the main problem. However I am no fan of huge whippets and believe they should be around 20-21 tts. Otherwise they become bastardised greyhounds and quite frankly you might as well get a Lurcher if you need a big whippet. It's sad but many so called working whippets are getting bigger. It's like the show folk exaggerating something so it wins more but in this case it's working folk exaggerating something so it catches more lol oh the irony lol
  8. Coming up to 8 months, around 23-24 tts Pic taken around 7 months old
  9. Too much collie in them they will be stalking on the beam before you know it lol prob too sensitive too lol Seriously though they sound good, good luck with em TOMO.
  10. Just keep them busy, 3 walks a day with mine - I say walks but with a Lurcher every walks hunting or finding something to hunt :-) tweak it up abit come the end of summer/autumn with some short sessions lamping. The key is variation, running, trotting, walking, swimming whatever just get em out and about and feed them well. I can't see how you can be fat and unfit with a Lurcher about unless you run them behind a car or put them on a walker lol
  11. I have a couple of contacts for AI and alike, professional companies who are sure to be able to answer your questions. I will pm you.
  12. The other point to remember some types/breeds will lose weight and condition easier than others and puppies are classic for dropping weight quickly. Generalisations can be dangerous things with dogs, each ones different Treat'em the best you can
  13. I saw one of these pups last night which my good mate bought, and its in first class condition, just how a pup should be Well done Asra14
  14. Its them having Dominos Pizza on speed dial that does my head it :laugh:
  15. There is nothing soft in looking after your dogs as best you can IMO Mine have their own room with hot and cold running water, heating, microwave, xbox and sky TV
  16. in whippets it may well be but the working whippets studs are getting up to 23" amazingly Y.I.S Leeview Sadly many of the so called working whippets are going that way., same as many overseas dogs. A good whippet IMO should be the correct size 20.5 tts maximum otherwise it becomes a bastardised greyhound. I do get what people are saying about many breeds, but it's also amazing how many breeds are still worked and shown by a dedicated few and good on them for keeping these breeds alive. It's all too easy to slag off kc registered dogs but I have respect for many people who truly have a bre
  17. I agree the cockerpoo, chorky and backstreet breeders of other fashionable crosses make pedigree dog breeders look like angels. These people are un regulated and cause more suffering to dogs due to greed.
  18. Tough dogs those Aussie dogs! This Pic I saw recently, and thought I would share
  19. So is a allrounder a dog which catches all quarry or a dog which can catch all quarry and be good at all disaplines ?? If it's the latter, it's a perfect dog and I doubt it exists let alone being two of them to bred together lol
  20. That was THL comedy gold... Good old SHH dances 12345 or whatever other user name!
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